Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2026 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2026 Graduate Catalog

Appendix C: Policy of Student Residency Classification

  1. Policy
    It is the policy of the Board of Regents of Morgan State University to recognize the categories of in-state and out-of-state students for purposes of admission, tuition, and charge differential. The student is responsible for providing the information necessary to establish eligibility for instate status.
    1. Students, who are financially independent or financially dependent, as hereinafter defined, shall have their residency classification determined on the basis of permanent residency. For purposes of this policy, a permanent residence is a person’s permanent place of abode as determined by the following criteria*. Such students will be assigned in-state status for admission, tuition, and charge differential purposes only if the student (if financially independent) or the student’s parent, guardian or spouse (in the case of a financially dependent student):
      • Owns or rents and occupies living quarters in Maryland. There must exist a genuine deed or lease in the individual’s name reflecting payments/rents and terms typical of those in the community at the time executed. Persons not having such a lease may submit an affidavit reflecting payments/rents and terms as well as the name and address of the person to whom payments are made which may be considered as meeting this condition. As an alternative to ownership or rental of living quarters in Maryland, a student may share living quarters in Maryland, which are owned or rented and occupied by a parent, legal guardian, or spouse;
      • Maintains within Maryland substantially all personal property;
      • Pays Maryland income tax on all earned taxable income including all taxable income earned outside the State;
      • Registers all owned motor vehicles in Maryland in accordance with Maryland law;
      • Possess a valid Maryland drivers license, if licensed, in accordance with Maryland law;
      • Is registered in Maryland, if registered to vote;
      • Receives no public assistance from a state other than the State Maryland or from a city, county, or municipal agency other than one in Maryland; and
      • Has a legal ability under federal and Maryland law to reside permanently without interruption in Mary-land.
    2. In addition to meeting all of the criteria set forth in the preceding section, to qualify for instate status on the basis of permanent residence, a student or, if the student is financially dependent, the parent, legal guardian, or spouse, must have resided in Maryland for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available for late registration for the forthcoming semester or session and must have continuously resided in Maryland during that period.
    3. If a student is financially dependent as hereinafter defined, the permanent residence of the parent, guardian, or spouse on whom the student is dependent shall determine in-state status. If a student is financially independent, the permanent residence of the student shall determine in-state status.
    4. In-state status based on permanent residence is lost at any time a financially independent student establishes a permanent residence outside the State of Maryland. If the parent, guardian, or spouse through whom a financially dependent student has attained in-state status establishes a permanent residence outside the State of Maryland, the in-state status is lost. In each instance, the student will then be assessed out-of-state tuition and charges beginning the next semester or session.
    5. In addition, the following categories of students shall have-in-state status:
      • A full-time or part-time (at least 50 percent of the time) permanent employee of Morgan State University;
      • The spouse or dependent child of a full-time or part-time (at least 50 of the percent time) permanent employee of Morgan State University;
      • A full-time active member of the Armed Forces of the United States whose home of residency is Maryland or one who resides or who is stationed in Maryland; or the spouse or a financially dependent child of such a person; and
      • A graduate assistant.
    6. Students not entitled to in-state status under the preceding paragraphs shall be assigned out of-state status for admission, tuition, and charge-differential purposes.

*AII eight indicia of permanent residency must be met for the entire 12-month period proceeding the last day of late registration.

  1. Procedures

General Guidelines

An initial determination of in-state status for admission, tuition, and charge-differential purposes will be made by the University at the time a student’s application for admission is under consideration. The determination made at that time, and any determination made thereafter, shall prevail for each subsequent semester until the determination is successfully challenged in a timely manner.

A student may request a re-evaluation of his or her residency status by filing an Application for Change in Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition, and Charge-Differential Purposes (hereafter referred to as “Application”).

A student must meet the requirements for in-state status and submit a completed Application (including all documents required therein) by the last day of late registration for the semester the student wishes to establish in-state status (hereinafter referred to as “Deadline”). No change in status requested by the student shall be given retroactive effect prior to the semester for which a student filed a timely Application. A student may file only one Petition per semester.

A determination of in-state status is valid only if the student actually enrolls in the semester for which the student applied. Determinations, which are not made in cases where the student does not actually enroll, are not valid for a subsequent semester.

It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the University that he or she meets all requirements of this Policy and that an in-state classification is appropriate. The student applying for in-state status must furnish appropriate documentation as required by the University. Within the President’s or the President’s designee, a waiver of a residency requirement may be considered.

In the event that incomplete, inaccurate, false, and/or misleading information is presented, the University may, at its discretion, revoke any subsequent assignment of in-state status. In such case, the student shall be required to pay all cost differentials between in-state and out-of-state status beginning with the semester for which in-state status was obtained. In the event in-state status is assigned as a result of administrative or clerical error, the University may, at its discretion, revoke this assignment. In such case, the student may be required to pay all cost differentials between in-state and out-of-state status beginning with the semester for which in-state status was erroneously assigned.

During the time when requests for reclassification are being considered, fees and charges based on the previous out-of-state determination must be paid. The student is responsible for all payment of any late charges assessed for the unpaid out-of-state differential during that time. If in-state status is granted, the out-of-state differential will be refunded for the semester in which a timely in-state status was filed.

The student shall notify the institution in writing within fifteen (15) days of any change of circumstances, which may affect the student’s in-state status.


To the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) or VPAA’s designee of-A student who has been denied in-state reclassification following the submission of an Application may request a personal interview with the VPAA (or the VPAA’s designee) in order to present any and all evidence relevant to the student’s residency classification, and to answer questions which may have been raised about the student’s status. Such request must be in writing and must be received by the University no later than fifteen (15) working days from the date, which appears on the University’s written denial of the Application.

To the President or the President’s designee—If the decision of the VPAA is adverse to the student, a written appeal may be filed with the President or President’s designee. Such written appeal must be received by the President or designee no later than fifteen (15) working days from the date of the written adverse decision of the VPAA, and should present any information upon which the appeal is based and of which the student would like the President or designee to be aware. The President or designee, who shall reach a decision in the case, shall consider the written appeal. Unless otherwise specifically requested by the President or designee, information and arguments not presented by the student to the President or his designee shall not thereafter be considered on appeal. It is the student’s responsibility to provide complete and timely responses to requests for information by the University. Failure to do so may result in a denial of the appeal.

  1. Definitions

    1. Financially Dependent:
      For purposes of this policy, a financially dependent student is one who is claimed as a dependent for tax purposes, or who received more than one-half of his or her other support from a parent, legal guardian, or spouse during the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the last available date for late registration for the semester or session. If the student receives more than one-half of his or her support in the aggregate from a parent and/or legal guardian and/or spouse, the student shall be considered financially dependent on the person providing the greater amount of support.

    2. Financially Independent:
      A financially independent student is one who:
      declares himself to be financially independent as defined herein;
      does not appear as a dependent on the Federal or State income tax return of any other person;
      receives less than one-half of his or her support from any other person or persons; and,
      demonstrates that he or she provides through self-support one-half or more of his or her total expenses.

    3. Parent:
      A parent may be a natural parent, or, if established by a court order recognized under the law of the State of Maryland, an adoptive parent.

    4. Guardian:
      A guardian is a person so appointed by a court order recognized under the law of the State of Maryland.

    5. Spouse:
      A spouse is a partner in a legally contracted marriage.

    6. Support:
      Except as set forth in point 2 below, support shall mean financial or material support, including gifts, services and trusts, and income or benefits derived from one’s family. Support shall not include grants, stipends, awards, and benefits (including Federal and State student aid, grants, and loans) received for the purpose of education or by virtue of an individual’s status or prospective status as a student. Such resources shall not be considered in calculating a student’s financial dependence or independence.