Feb 14, 2025  
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

The Academic Year

The academic year at Morgan State University is divided into two semesters of approximately fifteen weeks each. In addition, the University offers a winter minimester and two summer sessions. Students may matriculate at the University at the beginning of the fall or spring semester.

Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

The Bachelor of Arts degree will be awarded to those who satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of work in the required distribution of courses. The number of quality points earned must be at least twice the number of credits pursued at the University. This degree is granted to those completing a major in the following:

Fine Art
Music – Fine Arts
Multimedia Journalism
Multi-Platform Production
Political Science
Strategic Communication
Theatre Arts
Screenwriting and Animation

The Bachelor of Science degree will be awarded to those who satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of work in the required distribution of courses. The number of quality points earned must be at least twice the number of credits pursued at the University. This degree is granted to those completing a major in the following:

Actuarial Science Architecture & Environmental Design Biology
Business Administration Chemistry
Civil Engineering Computer Science Construction Management Economics
Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering Physics Entrepreneurship
Family and Consumer Science
Health Education Hospitality Management
Industrial Engineering Information Systems Journalism
Management Marketing Mathematics
Medical Technology
Multimedia Journalism
Multi-Platform Production
Nutritional Science Physical Education Physics
Public Relations, Advert.
& Media Sales & Ratings
Service & Supply Chain Management
Social Work
Strategic Communication
Transportation Syst

Statue of Limitations (Seven-Year Rule)

Students matriculating as degree students at Morgan State University are allowed seven consecutive years to complete requirements for the degree in order to be graduated under the catalog in effect when they entered the University. If students have not met the requirements for graduation within that time frame, they will be denied eligibility for graduation under the catalog in use when they entered the University. In such cases, those students will be graduated under the current University catalog. Students exceeding the statute of limitations may appeal to the Dean of the school/college in which their majors are located for exceptions to this rule.

Semester Credit Hours

A semester credit is defined as one 50-minute lecture class per week (or its equivalent) for one semester. A three-hour class may meet for three 50-minute periods per week; for two 75-minute periods per week; or for one 50-minute period and one 110-minute period per week, or for a combination of these formats for one semester. Laboratory and studio classes normally require two to four hours in class per week as the equivalent of one semester hour. Internship and practicum courses normally require three or more contact hours per week as the equivalent of one semester hour.

Course Numbering

All course numbers are represented by either six (6) or seven (7) alphanumeric characters (i.e. AAAA 111). The first three or four characters are the alphabetical code. The first digit of the three-digit numeric code represents the level of instruction: 100 = freshman, 200 = sophomore, 300 = junior and 400 = senior. Students are not allowed to register for courses unless they have met the course prerequisites or by special permission of the respective Dean or his/her designee.

Classification of Students

All matriculating students, full- and part-time, will be classified as follows:

Freshman 0-24 credits
Sophomore 25-55 credits
Junior 56-89 credits
Senior 90 credits and above

FULL-TIME: Students who are pursuing a minimum of 12 semester hours.

PART-TIME: Students who are pursuing less than 12 semester hours.

MATRICULATING: Students who have been officially admitted to the University by the Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment and who are working toward degrees.

NON-MATRICULATING: Students who are not candidates for degrees but who have been officially granted special permission to pursue specified courses or a limited specified curriculum. The students may be enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis.


The following grades are issued in the under- graduate program at the University:

A Superior
B Above average
C Average
D Less than average
F Failing work, must repeat course if credit is desired
I Some phase of work incomplete at the time grades reported
PS Pass
PT Pass credit by examination
FL Failed proficiency examination
S Satisfactory completion of course
NG No grade reported
W Official withdrawal
TW Term Withdrawal
NA Never attended the class

Grade Change Policy

It is University policy that once a grade is recorded, changes are allowed only in the following instances:

  1. Incompletes - All incompletes must be removed by the end of the next semester of enrollment following the granting of an incomplete (“I”) grade.
  2. Recording error(s) and/or miscalculations of a grade must be changed no later than the end of the semester following the recording error or miscalculation. Grade changes must be approved by the area Chairperson and Dean.

NOTE: All changes under part (2) of this policy must be supported by documentation; for example, grade books, papers, examinations and calculation records.

Grading Policies

Freshman Grading Policy

Freshmen (students who enter Morgan State University with “0” college credits), will be graded in accordance with the regular grading system, i.e., A, B, C, D, F, for all courses. In the case of developmental courses, i.e., DVRD 101 and MATH 106, all students will be required to repeat any course in which a grade of less than “C” is earned. Developmental courses do not receive degree credit.

Repeating Courses For Credit

Students should repeat only courses in which a grade of “D” or “F” has been earned. When students repeat courses, each grade will be recorded on the transcript and the computed cumulative grade point average will be based on the grade earned most recently (even if it is lower than the previous grade earned). There may be significant financial aid implications of repeating courses that have been previously passed. Students should consult the Financial Aid section of the catalog for more information.

Pass/Fail Option

Any student classified as a Junior or Senior is allowed to pursue a maximum of six semester hour credits, not required in the general education or major field of study areas, under the provisions of the school Pass/Fail Option. The academic record will show either “PS” (Passed) or “F” (Failed). The Pass/Fail Option must be exercised at registration via an Application for Pass/Fail Option which must be filed in the Office of Records and Registration. The option is irrevocable after registration.


The privilege of auditing is open to all students. The option to audit a course must be made at registration and is irrevocable thereafter. The auditing fee is equal to the charge for one credit. Students paying full-time tuition and fees are not charged additionally for auditing. Audited courses: (1) do not count as part of the semester’s credit hour load; (2) do not count as credit toward graduation unless repeated later for credit; (3) will appear on the transcript as an “AU;” and (4) may not be used to repeat a course for which credit has already been earned. Students must meet course prerequisites in order to audit a course. Forms are available in the Office of the Dean.

“I” Grade Policy

“Incomplete” (“I”) is given in exceptional cases to a student who has completed the majority of the work satisfactorily and due to documented illness or other documented emergencies beyond his/her control, he/she has been unable to complete the requirements for the course. The student must complete the work by the end of the next semester of enrollment. Otherwise, the “I” grade is changed to “F.”

The form to petition for an “I” is available online; The recording of the “I” grade must be approved by the Dean.

Quality Points

Letter grades carry the following quality points: A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1; F-0. Transfer credit hours are not computed in the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average is computed in the following manner: Multiply the numerical values of the letter grades received by the credit hours assigned to the courses. The sum of the products of all courses pursued divided by the total number of quality hours attempted gives the grade point average.

Class Load Limits

The regular class load limit for students in good standing is 18 credits except for students majoring in Engineering where the regular class load limit is 19 credits. Authorization for loads in excess of 18 credits must be secured from the Dean of the school or college in which a student is enrolled. The class load limit for students on probation is 13 credits. Students requesting to carry excess credits must secure a “Request for Excess Credit” form from the office of their respective dean and submit it to the Office of Records and Registration during the registration period.

Course Credit for External Courses

Students must receive permission from their advisor, chairperson and dean prior to taking courses at other colleges or universities. Failure to do so will result in non-acceptance of the course. Graduating seniors in their last semester will be prohibited from taking courses at other colleges or universities unless they have obtained authorization for a waiver of the 30- hour rule from their dean’s office. To earn credit for a course in which a student has received a failing grade (D or F), the course must be repeated at Morgan. In extraordinary circumstances, exceptions may be approved by the Dean.

Of particular note for students who may wish to take a course off-campus, is the Baltimore Student Exchange Program involving fifteen local institutions. Visit www.baltimorecollegetown.org or contact the Office of Records and Registration for more details.

Double-Counting of Courses

Subject to the specific requirements for the various majors, minors and certificates, students may use a course to satisfy identical course requirements in up to two of the following areas: 1) general education requirements; 2) requirements for the major; 3) requirements for the second major; 4) requirements for the minor; 5) requirements for the certificate. The credits earned for the course count only once toward the total 120 credits (or more) needed for a degree or certificate program.

Class Attendance

The following class attendance policy (approved by the Board of Regents on May 15, 1991) applies at the University: With the intent of optimizing student performance and ensuring students the opportunity to achieve their ultimate academic success, students are expected to attend all classes. Excessive absences may result in a failing grade. It is the student’s responsibility to confer with the course instructor concerning absences and the possibility of arranging to make up missed work, where that is a possible option. If students are absent from class to participate in University-sponsored or other University-endorsed activities, they may be permitted to make up any work that they missed, but they must make arrangements with their instructors in advance of the absence. Students must provide appropriate documentation for absences from classes resulting from illness or other emergencies. Instructors will make good faith efforts to ensure that students are not unduly penalized for excused absences. Instructors shall provide, as part of their course syllabi, a clear explanation of the policy on class attendance expectations, and the consequences of breaching said policy.


Registration dates are listed in the Academic Calendar available on the University website. Students register online using WebSIS. Students experiencing difficulty registering should contact the Office of Records and Registration or their advisor. All students are required to complete registration by the last day of the designated registration period. Those students failing to do so will be charged a late registration fee.

Students should meet with their assigned academic advisor prior to registration. Students are responsible for registering themselves through Websis, and for dropping and withdrawing from classes as needed by the deadlines noted in the Academic Calendar.

Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes

Students are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from classes according to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar available on the website. When a student removes him/herself from a course before or during the add/drop period, it is considered a drop. There are no academic consequences from this action, but there may be financial aid repercussions for this drop if the student no longer meets aid qualifications. The course will show on the student’s registration history as dropped but will not post on any unofficial or official transcripts and does not count as attempted credit.

A withdrawal from a course occurs when a student removes him/herself from a course after the add/drop period has passed. There may be financial repercussions for this withdrawal based on the refund schedule. Please consult the Tuition and Fees section of this catalog for information on the refund schedule, and the billing and financial impact of drops and withdrawals. The academic consequences from this action include receiving the grade of “W” for the course, which will appear on any unofficial or official transcripts, and does count as attempted credit. A grade of “W” will not impact the student’s GPA, but does not count as completed credit toward the degree. Students are advised that only individual courses may be dropped or withdrawn in Websis. Students intending to withdraw from the entire semester must utilize the official withdrawal procedure, which begins in the dean’s office. Entire semester withdrawals will appear on the transcript with a grade of “TW”.

Students are advised that discontinued attendance does not constitute dropping or withdrawing from a class. Failure to report for any class that appears on students’ schedules may result in a grade of “NA” or “F”. In either case, the financial charges apply. Only if a student receives ALL NAs will the University administratively cancel the student’s registration. In this instance, all federal and institutional financial aid received for that semester will be canceled. Discontinuation of attendance without officially dropping the class or withdrawing from the University will result in a grade of “F,” which is computed in the semester and cumulative averages, and the financial charges apply.

In exceptional cases, a retroactive cancellation or withdrawal may be granted based on extenuating circumstances which significantly impaired the student’s ability to cancel registration or withdraw by the established semester deadlines. Such circumstances require official supporting documentation. If supporting documentation exist, student may seek to file an Exception to Enrollment Policy Appeal through the Office of Records and Registration.

Satisfactory Academic Performance

A student whose cumulative grade point average is at least 2.00 will be considered as making satisfactory academic progress and will be designated a student in good standing at Morgan State University.

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Students with a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 fall into one of two categories: academic probation or academic dismissal. The cumulative grade point average that defines each of the categories of unsatisfactory academic performance varies according to the student’s credit level as noted in the following table:


if GPA is
if GPA is
0-24 0.00-1.99 ———
25-47 1.90-1.99 0.00-1.89*
48-72 1.95-1.99 0.00-1.94*
73 or more ——— 0.00-1.99*

* Students matriculating as first time freshmen will not be dismissed regardless of cumulative grade point average or number of credits earned during their first two semesters. No student shall be academically dismissed at the end of any semester during which he/she was registered for at least twelve (12) credit hours and earned a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours with a grade point average of 2.00 or better. Academic dismissal must be preceded by at least one semester of academic probation. All credit hours transferred to Morgan are included in the Attempted Credits totals in the above table when determining the category of academic performance. However, transferred credits are not included in computing the GPA.

Academic Probation

At the end of any given semester, students whose cumulative grade point averages fall below the thresholds outlined above are automatically on academic probation and should seek academic counseling and guidance from the office of the Dean of the school in which he/she is enrolled. Students on academic probation are restricted to thirteen (13) credit hours per semester and are required to repeat all courses in which deficiencies have been received before they may take new courses, insofar as scheduling permits. Students remain on probation until their cumulative grade point averages increase to 2.00.

Academic Dismissal

Students whose cumulative grade point averages meet the conditions for academic dismissal outlined in the aforementioned Unsatisfactory Academic Performance table may be dismissed as degree students at the University. Thereafter, they may not enroll as degree students without formal readmission to the University. Students who are academically dismissed from Morgan State University are entitled to appeal their dismissal when there are extenuating circumstances which deserve consideration by the University. Such appeals are made to the Dean of the school/college in which the students are enrolled. Students who successfully appeal their dismissal through their Dean are on probation. Unless granted written permission by the Dean to do otherwise, they are governed by the requirements for students on probation.

Academic Recovery Program

Dismissed students are eligible to participate in the Academic Recovery Program (ARP). Students are not considered for readmission to the University until they have raised their cumulative grade point average to 2.00 through enrollment in ARP. Additional information about ARP may be found in the Office of Student Success and Retention section in the catalog.

Policy on Academic Dishonesty

Faculty at Morgan State University make a concerted effort to promote honest academic conduct among students to ensure that their evaluation of students’ academic performance accurately reflects each student’s true merit. Academic dishonesty is, therefore, among the most egregious offenses a student can commit because it interferes with the University’s primary mission of educating and evaluating students. Thus, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated at the University. Some of the more common forms of academic dishonesty are listed below. This list, however, is not intended to be an exhaustive representation of all the possible forms of academic dishonesty. Any student who is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall fail the assignment and may fail the course. The student may also be referred to the Dean of the college or school in which the student’s major is located for additional disciplinary action by the University. All instances of academic dishonesty shall be subject to the full range of penalties at the University’s disposal.

    1. Cheating is fraud. Cheating is the use of, the attempted use of, or acquisition of unauthorized information such as books, lecture notes, study aids, answers from other students, or other materials for the purpose of submitting a part or all of the unauthorized information as one’s own individual effort in any class, clinic, assignment, or examination. Helping or attempting to help another person commit any act of academic dishonesty is also a form of cheating. Examples: Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following actions:
      1. Copying from another student’s paper or test, or receiving assistance from another person during an exam or other assignment in a manner not authorized by the instructor;
      2. Buying, selling, removing, receiving, or possessing an unauthorized copy of a test, quiz, exam, or other form of academic evaluation in advance of its administration by the instructor of the course in which the student is properly registered;
      3. Using material or equipment such as cell phones, crib notes, a calculator, or a tape recorder during a test, quiz, exam, or other form of academic evaluation that has not been authorized by the instructor;
      4. Working with other students or other individuals on any exam, take home assignments, computer or laboratory work, or any other assignment when the instructor has required independent and unaided effort;
      5. Attempting to influence or change an academic evaluation, grade, or record by deceit or unfair means, such as (1) hiding or damaging the academic work of another student to gain an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation; or (2) marking or submitting an exam or other assignment in a manner designed to deceive the instructor;
      6. Submitting, without prior permission, the same academic work which has been submitted in identical or similar form in another class or in fulfillment of any other academic requirement at the University;
      7. Permitting another student or individual to take a test, quiz, exam, or other form of academic evaluation for one’s self; or conversely, taking a test, quiz, exam, or other form of academic evaluation for another student; and,
      8. Helping or attempting to help another student cheat by providing assistance to that student during an exam or other assignment in a manner not authorized by the instructor.
    2. Plagiarism is theft. Plagiarism is submitting, either orally or in writing, the words, ideas, drawings, or other works of another person as one’s own without appropriate citation in order to receive credit for having completed an academic assignment or exercise.
      Examples: Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. Submitting material or work for evaluation, in whole or in part, which has been prepared by another student, an author of a published article or textbook, or by persons producing papers for profit;
      2. Using a direct quotation from another student’s papers or from an author of a publication without including the appropriate citation;
      3. Paraphrasing or summarizing another’s work without including the appropriate citation; and,
      4. Using information stored electronically, e.g., submission of papers and or information found on computer disks, the Internet, etc., without including appropriate citation and/or acknowledging the source.
    3. Abuse of Academic Materials is destruction of property or making inaccessible academic resource materials owned by the University or stored in a University facility.
      Examples: Examples of abuse of academic materials include, but are not limited to, the following actions:
      1. Destroying, hiding, or otherwise making unavailable for common use any library materials, materials placed on reserve by faculty, electronically stored information, or other academic reference materials; and,
      2. Destroying, hiding, or otherwise making unavailable another student’s notes, faculty lectures and/or tests, experiments, computer programs, or other academic work.
    4. Stealing is the unauthorized taking, attempting to take, or withholding the property of another and thereby permanently or temporarily depriving the owner of its use or possession.
      Examples: Examples of stealing include, but are not limited to, the following actions:
      1. Unauthorized removal of library texts, magazines, electronic equipment or electronically stored information and other materials from the library;
      2. Unauthorized removal of lecture notes, grade books, examinations, computer programs, or any other academic materials from the office of any faculty member;
      3. Obtaining unauthorized advanced access to an examination or other academic assignment either acting alone or in collusion with other students or University employees; and,
      4. Taking another’s academic work, such as papers, computer programs, laboratory experiments, or research results.
    5. Lying is making any oral or written statement which the individual knows, or should know, to be untrue.
      Examples: Examples of lying include, but are not limited to, the following actions:
      1. Making a false statement to any instructor or other University employee in an attempt to gain advantage or exception with regard to an academic requirement or assignment;
      2. Falsifying evidence or testifying falsely, such as in a hearing involving academic dishonesty;
      3. Inventing or counterfeiting data, research results, research procedures, internship or practicum experiences, or other information;
      4. Citing a false source for referenced material/Data;
      5. Altering grade reports, class attendance records, course registrations, or other academic records;
      6. Submitting false excuses for absences;
      7. Altering a returned exam paper or other work and seeking regrading without indicating that the returned paper or work has been changed; and,
      8. Submitting unauthorized University documents to gain an internship, exception to University policies, and/or other advantage or to avoid a disadvantage or penalty.
    Any student who is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty at Morgan State University shall fail the test or assignment for which the student cheated and may be subjected to one or more of the following penalties including failure of the course in which the academic dishonesty occurred; written reprimand from the Chairperson, the Dean, and/or the Vice President for Academic Affairs; suspension and/or expulsion from the University. The Dean of the school or college in which the student’s major is located shall be notified of the academic dishonesty and of the proposed penalty by the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the school or college in which the academic dishonesty occurred. Along with the penalties listed above, the Dean or the Vice President for Academic Affairs may impose special conditions on students who have engaged in academic dishonesty such as counseling, reduced credit loads, denial of admittance to certain majors or programs. Suspension and expulsion, the most severe penalties, may be imposed even though the accused student has never received a lesser penalty or penalties for previous academic misconduct.
    1. Assignment of a Grade of “F.” A grade of “F” shall be assigned to a student for the test, paper, and/ or the assignment in which the student committed an act of academic dishonesty. In addition to being assigned a grade of “F” for the assignment for which the student engaged in academic dishonesty, additional penalties, listed below, may be imposed upon the student.
    2. Failure of a Course. A student may fail the course in which the academic dishonesty occurred.
    3. Suspension from the University. Suspension can be imposed for a specified period, not to exceed two years.
    4. Expulsion from the University. Expulsion is a permanent separation from the University.
    5. Revocation. When an act or acts of academic dishonesty is/are found to invalidate a major piece of work required for a degree so that the validity of the degree or certification is jeopardized, then the sanction may include a recommendation to the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs to:
      1. Reject a thesis, dissertation, or other work.
      2. Revoke a certification or not grant a certification.
      3.  Revoke a degree.
    6. Other Relevant Sanctions. In addition to the penalties described above, other sanctions may be imposed, such as, but not limited to, restitution, campus or community service, special projects, and special educational requirements.

Academic Appeal Process

The academic appeals process shall apply to any dispute concerning a student’s academic standing at the University including, but not limited to, disputes over grades as well as allegations of academic dishonesty. The academic appeal process requires that (1) students be given adequate notice of any offense of academic dishonesty with which they are charged; and (2) that students be given an opportunity to be heard by the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the college or school in which the offense is alleged to have occurred. The Deans have the authority to set dispute resolution and appeal procedures for their respective academic divisions provided that any penalty imposed by (or approved by) the Dean shall be based on evidence collected and recorded by the faculty, the Chairperson, and/or the Dean.

Students who feel that they have been treated unfairly in the award of a grade or in the imposition of a penalty for committing an act of academic dishonesty have a right to use the academic appeal process at the University. A student shall first address the matter of the academic dishonesty, the grade, and/or any other academic penalty or issue with the facultmember who accused the student and/or assigned the grade and/or imposed or initiated the penalty. Second, if the dispute is not resolved with the faculty member, the student shall next address the matter with the Chairperson of the department in which the course is taught. The Chairperson shall investigate the matter thoroughly; make a record of the relevant evidence; and make a determination about the appropriateness of the accusation, the grade, or the penalty imposed on the student. If the matter is still in dispute following the investigation and determination by the Chairperson, the student has a right to appeal to the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the school or college in which the dispute arose.

In all matters of academic appeal, the student may request a final appeal by writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the final decision of the Dean of the school/college. Appeals not filed in proper form with the Provost/VPAA within this timeframe shall not be considered. An appeal which fails to specifically set forth alleged procedural error with regard to the application of academic policy shall not be considered.

The decision of the Provost/VPAA is final and binding on all parties. The student’s initiation of the appeals procedure shall not dislodge or delay any other consequences of the decision or action under dispute, such as placement on academic probation or dismissal; loss of scholarship; awarding of financial aid; or participation in activities that are dependent on the grade point average of the student.

Midterm Grade Policy

Each instructor shall evaluate undergraduate students’ progress and assign a midterm grade for each undergraduate student enrolled in the class, using the university’s accepted grade reporting technology and according to the university’s published Academic Calendar. The midterm grade is only an indicator to the student and his/ her adviser of the student’s performance in the course to that point; it will not be assumed that the final grade will be the same, and is not a permanent part of a student’s academic record. A grade of “I” is not a valid midterm grade. Midterm grades are required only for the fall and spring semesters and only for full-semester courses.

University Examinations

Proficiency Examinations

At the discretion of the chair or dean of the college or school in which the course is offered, proficiency examinations may be available for undergraduate courses. Not all courses may be offered for proficiency credit. Successful completion of proficiency examinations gives the opportunity to receive credit for the courses in which examinations were taken, and this credit is indicated by the grade of “PT.” Credit earned on the basis of a proficiency examination shall be awarded at the end of the semester (when final grades are due) in which the student took the examination.

Policies concerning credit by proficiency examination:

  1. Students may not take proficiency examinations in courses they have failed (D or F) or in which they received an Incomplete (I). Exceptions may be approved by the Dean.
  2. Application for credit by examination is equivalent to registration for the course; however, the credit hours are not recorded until after the examination is completed and do not influence the credit hour load limitation policy.
  3. No examination may be attempted more than twice.

Applications for and further information about proficiency examinations should be requested from the Chairpersons in the department in which the course is offered.

Senior-Level Comprehensive Examinations This is a comprehensive examination in the major field of study which must be passed by all candidates for graduation. Arrangements to take this examination are made by the student with the departmental Chairperson.

Graduate Work by Morgan Seniors

With the approval of the chairpersons of departments concerned, and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, seniors at Morgan State University who have completed 96 credit hours toward the baccalaureate degree with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better and who also possess a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their major may register for a maximum of six (6) credit hours of course work in the School of Graduate Studies.

Upon admission to the School of Graduate Studies, students may, when appropriate, have the credit earned for graduate courses taken as an undergraduate applied towards a graduate degree at Morgan. Or, with the prior written permission of the Department Chairperson in which their major is located, seniors may elect to have the credit earned for graduate courses applied towards a baccalaureate degree at Morgan. The credit earned, however, may be applied to satisfy degree requirements only once; either to complete requirements for the bachelor’s degree, or to complete graduate degree requirements. In order to be officially registered in a graduate course, undergraduates must: complete an application to take graduate courses prior to enrolling in the graduate course; have the application form signed by the Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee) of the department in which the graduate course is taught; have the application signed by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; complete a Drop/Add form with the graduate course(s) in which the student seeks enrollment and file the form with the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; and, be registered for the graduate course(s) by the School of Graduate Studies. This policy applies to qualified seniors interested in enrolling in graduate courses. Undergraduates who may be admitted to accelerated bachelor’s to master’s degree programs should consult their program requirements on registering for and the application of graduate courses to degree requirements.

Applications for and further information about proficiency examinations should be requested from the Chairpersons in the department in which the course is offered.

Senior-Level Comprehensive Examinations This is a comprehensive examination in the major field of study which must be passed by all candidates for graduation. Arrangements to take this examination are made by the student with the departmental Chairperson.