Feb 13, 2025  
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Center

The Transfer Center is dedicated to providing information and support to transfer students, enhance their opportunities for strong academic preparation, ensure a smooth and seamless transition to Morgan State University, and provide the resources necessary for succefful progress toward graduation.

Services and resources offered include but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring the timely evaluation and input of transfer credits (course transferability and equivalents are subject to change without prior notice);
  • Evaluating and inputting specialized credits, including, but not limited to, CLEP, IB, foreign, AP, and military credits;
  • Monitoring and updating ARTSYS as well as creating, maintaining and reviewing recommended transfer programs (RTP’s), and articulation agreements.
  • Assisting native MSU students with inputting into their academic records transfer credits from courses taken off-campus with permission;
  • Administering the CONNECT and NEXUS programs;
  • Maintaining data on transfer student trends and issues;
  • Housing the Delta Gamma Chapter of Tau Sigma National Honors Society for transfer students; and
  • Ensuring compliance with Maryland Higher Education Commission and Code of Maryland (COMAR) transfer policies.

Advanced Placement Exams (AP)

Students may earn college credit in some subject areas by receiving satisfactory scores on the College Entrance and Examination Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program examinations. Credits granted may be applied toward college degree requirements. Students must have official copies of their scores submitted to the Transfer Center by the College Board in order for credit to be awarded. To obtain copies of official grade reports, students may contact the College Board directly at:

Phone: 888-225-5427
International callers: 212-632-1780
Fax: 610-290-8979
Email: apstudents@info.collegeboard.org
Web: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/

While every effort is made to keep the following list up to date, courses may be added or deleted at any time.

AP Exam Title AP Score MSU Course MSU Credit Awarded General Education Category
Art History 3 ART 308 3 AH
  4 ART 303 3  
  5 ART 303 and 304 6  
Music Theory        
Aural Subscore 4 MUSC 135 2  
  5 MUSC 135 and 136 4  
Nonaural Subscore 4 MUSC 171 3  
  5 MUSC 171 and 172 6  
Studio Art Drawing 4 or 5 ART 109 3  
Studio Art 2D Design 4 or 5 ART 110 3  
Studio Art 3D Design 4 or 5 ART 115 3  
Language & Composition 4 or 5 ENGL 101 3 EC
Literature & Composition 4 or 5 ENGL 102 3 EC
History & Social Science        
Comparative Government and Politics 4 or 5 POSC 314 3  
European History 4 or 5   3  
Human Geography 4 or 5 GEOG 106 3  
Macroeconomics 4 or 5 ECON 201 3 SB
Microeconomics 4 or 5 ECON 202 3 SB
Psychology 4 or 5 PSYC 101 3 SB
United States Government and Politics 4 or 5 POSC 201 3 SB
United States History 4 or 5 HIST 105 and 106 6 SB
World History 4 or 5 HIST 101 and 102 6 SB
Math & Computer Science        
Calculus AB 4 or 5 MATH 241 4  
Calculus BC 4 or 5 MATH 242 4  
Computer Science A 3 COSC 110 3 IM
  4 or 5 COSC 111 4  
Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 COSC 112 4  
Statistics 4 or 5 MATH 331 3  
Biology 4 or 5 BIOL 101 and 102 or BIOL 105 and 106 (majors) 8 BP
Chemistry 4 or 5 CHEM 101 and 102 CHEM 105 and 106 (majors) 8 BP
Environmental Science 4 or 5 EASC 403    
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4 or 5 PHYS 205 and PHYS 206 10 BP
Physics C: Mechanics 4 or 5 PHYS 301 and PHYS 302 6  
Physics 1: Algebra-based 4 or 5   5 BP
Physics 2: Algebra-based 4 or 5   5  
World Languages & Cultures        
Chinese Language and Culture 4 or 5 CHIN 203 and 204 6  
French Language and Culture 4 or 5 FREN 203 and 204 6  
German Language and Culture 4 or 5 GERM 203 and 204 6  
Italian Language and Culture 4 or 5 General Education AH Elective 6 AH
Japanese Language and Culture 4 or 5 JPNS 203 and 204 6  
Latin 4 or 5 LATN 203 and 204 6  
Spanish Language and Culture 4 or 5 SPAN 203 and 204 6  
Spanish Literature and Culture 4 or 5 SPAN 315 and 316 6  

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Morgan State University endorses and recognizes the academic challenge inherent in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme by awarding full university credit. For courses not listed contact the Transfer Center.

Examination Score Standard Level Equivalency Credit Hours Higher Level Equivalency Credit Hours
Arabic A: Literature 5 ARAB 101 3 ARAB 101 & 102 6
Arabic A: Language & Literature 5 ARAB 203 3 ARAB 203 & 204 6
Chinese A: Literature 5 CHIN 101 3 CHIN 101 & 102 6
Chinese A: Language & Literature 5 CHIN 203 3 CHIN 203 & 204 6
English A: Language & Literature 5 ENGL 101 3 ENGL 101 3
English A: Literature 5 ENGL 102 5 ENGL 102 3
French A: Literature 5 FREN 101 3 FREN 101 & 102 6
French A: Language & Literature 5 FREN 203 3 FREN 203 & 204 6
German A: Literature 5 GERM 101 3 GERM 101 & 102 6
German A: Language & Literature 5 GERM 203 3 GERM 203 & 204 6
Russian A: Literature   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Russian A: Language & Literature   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Spanish A: Literature 5 SPAN 101 3 SPAN 101 & 102 6
Spanish A: Language & Literature 5 SPAN 203 3 SPAN 203 & 204 6
Language Acquisition:          
Arabic B 4 to 7 ARAB 203 3 ARAB 203 & 204 6
Arabic ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Chinese B 4 to 7 CHIN 203 3 No credit awarded  
Chinese ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
French B 4 to 7 FREN 203 3 FREN 203 & 204 6
French ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
German B 4 to 7 GERM 203 3 GERM 203 & 204 6
German ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Japanese B 4 to 7 JPNS 203 3 JPNS 203 & 204 6
Japanese ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Mandarin B   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Mandarin ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Spanish B 4 to 7 SPAN 203 3 SPAN 203 & 204 6
Spanish ab initio   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Classical Languages:          
Classical Greek   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Latin 5 LATN 101 3 LATN 101 & 102 6


Examination Score Standard Level Equivalency Credit Hours Higher Level Equivalency Credit Hours
Individuals & Societies:          
Business & Management 4 Elective Credit 6 Elective Credit 6
Economics 4 ECON 211 3 ECON 211 & 212 6
Geography 4 GEOG 101 3 GEOG 104 & 105 6
Global Politics   Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
History 4 HIST 101 3 HIST 101 & 102 6
History: Africa 4 HIST 350 3 No credit awarded 3
History: Americas 4 HIST 105 3 HIST 105 & 106 6
History: Asia & Oceania 4 Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
History: Europe & the Islamic World 4 Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
History: Europe & the Middle East 4 Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
History: Aspects of Medieval Europe & the Islamic World 4 Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
Human Rights 4 No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) 4 COSC 110 3 COSC 110 & INSS 141 6
Philosophy 4 PHIL 109 3 PHIL 109 3
Psychology 4 PSYC 101 3 PSYC 101 & 102 6
Social & Cultural Anthropology 4 SOCI 110 3 SOCI 110 3
World Religions 4 Elective Credit 3 RELG 305 3
Biology 4 BIOL 101 4 BIOL 101 & 102 8
Chemistry 5 CHEM 101 & 102 8 CHEM 105 & 106 8
Computer Science 5 COSC 111 4 COSC 111 & 112 8
Design Technology   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Environmental Systems & Societies   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Physics 4 PHYS 101 4 PHYS 203 & 204 8
Sport, Exercise and Health Science 4 No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Further Mathematics   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Mathematics 4 MATH 109 & 113 8 MATH 109 & 113 8
Mathematical Studies   No credit awarded   No credit awarded  
Dance 4 Elective Credit 3 Elective Credit 3
Film 4 Elective Credit 6 Elective Credit 6
Literature and Performance 4 Elective Credit      
Music 4 MUSC 391 3 MUSC 391 3
Music: Solo or Group Performance 4 MUSC 183 1 MUSC 183 & 184 2
Theatre Arts 4 THEA 101 3 THEA 101 3
Visual Arts 4 ART 308 3 ART 308 3

*This chart was prepared based on current information and is subject to change. There is no guarantee that all IB credit will apply to a specific degree program. Completion of Certificate or Diploma programs does not fulfill General Education requirements at Morgan State University.

College Level Examination Program

Morgan State University welcomes students from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences in many disciplines. We recognize and honor students’ prior learning by accepting a full range of College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, which measure mastery of college-level, introductory course content in a broad range of disciplines. CLEP credit shall not be substituted for any course taken at Morgan State University for which the student received a failing or unsatisfactory grade. CLEP scores for tests taken while matriculating at Morgan shall not be accepted for credit, unless prior approval was granted by the Dean.

Scores must be submitted to the Transfer Center upon entering the University. Upon receipt of test scores the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student record. CLEP credit will be treated as transfer credit without a grade, will count toward graduation and may be used in fulfilling specific curriculum requirements.

  • No more than twenty-four (24) hours of credit can be received through CLEP tests for both general and subject examinations combined.
  • Credit will be granted to students achieving scores of 50% or more on the general exams.
  • Morgan will accept for college credit the mean score (or above) achieved by students in the national norm groups who earned grades of “C” in comparable courses.
  • No credit may be granted for CLEP tests which are repeated. If a student fails a CLEP test, then retakes the test, the student may not receive credit even if the subsequent score meets criterion.
  • The amount of credit to be awarded is to be determined by the University Transfer Center.
  • CLEP credit will be entered on the student’s Morgan transcript as transfer credit.
  • Credit will be granted only when an official CLEP score report is sent directly from the College Board to the Transfer Center. Duplicate reports, examinee’s copies or score reports received in any other manner, with the exception of a CLEP examination administered at Morgan, are not acceptable.

Students may contact The College Board directly regarding CLEP examinations at:
P.O. Box 6600
Princeton, NJ 08541-6600
Phone: 800-257-9558 or 212-237-1331
Fax: 610-628-3726
E-mail: clep@info.collegeboard.org
Web: https://clep.collegeboard.org/

Awards for credit at Morgan State University are based on the scores indicated below.

American Literature 50 6 ENGL 203, 204
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 6 Elective
English Literature 50 6 ENGL 201, 202
Freshman College Composition 50 6 ENGL 101, 102
Humanities 50 6 HUMA 201, 202
French Language      
French Level I 50 6 FREN 101, 102
French Level II 59 12 FREN 101, 102, 203, 204
German Language      
German Level I 50 6 GERM 101, 102
German Level II 60 12 GERM 101, 102, 203, 204
Spanish Language      
Spanish Level I 50 6 SPAN 101, 102
Spanish Level II 63 12 SPAN 101, 102, 203, 204
American Government 50 3 POSC 201
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 Elective
History of the United States I 50 3 HIST 105
History of the United States II 50 3 HIST 106
Human Growth and Development 50 3 PSYC 102
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 ECON 211
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 ECON 212
Introductory Psychology 50 3 PSYC 101
Social Sciences and History 50 6 SOSC101
Introductory Sociology 50 3 SOCI 101
Western Civilization I 50 3 HIST 101
Western Civilization II 50 3 HIST 102
Biology 50 4 BIOL 101
Calculus 50 8 MATH 241, 242
Chemistry 50 8 CHEM 105, 106
College Algebra 50 4 MATH 109 or 113
College Mathematics 50 4 MATH 109
Natural Sciences 50 4 Elective
Precalculus 50 4 MATH 141
Financial Accounting 50 3 ACCT 201
Information Systems 50 3 INSS 141 or COSC110
Introductory Business Law 50 3 BUAD 382
Principles of Management 50 3 MGMT 324
Principles of Marketing 50 3 MKTG 331

The CONNECT Program

The Morgan State University CONNECT program is an excellent alternative for students who are not eligible for admission to the University as freshmen. Students are referred to the CONNECT Program through the Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment. If a student chooses to participate in the CONNECT Program, he/she must complete an application form. Forms may be obtained from the Transfer Center at Morgan State University or from the Connect liaison at the participating community college. Students must apply to a participating community college and submit a financial aid application to the Financial Aid Office at the community college. A nominal mandatory registration fee paid to Morgan State University secures a MSU Bear Necessity Identification Card for CONNECT students. This ID card allows student utilization of support services on campus such as the library and computer labs as well as the ability to purchase tickets to attend paid social and athletic events on campus. The CONNECT program is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their academic aptitude and to maximize their potential.

Program Enrollment Requirements

*Complete the Connect application form.
*Apply to any Maryland community college of choice. A community college Connect Liaison will be assigned.
*Complete the FAFSA and all required financial aid documents at the community college.
*Take required placement tests at the participating community college to determine skill level in Mathematics, English, and Reading. As a result of the test scores, students may be required to take some non-credit courses to strengthen skills. These courses must be completed in addition to the credits required of the CONNECT Program.
*Attend a mandatory summer Connect Program Orientation at Morgan State University for information and preliminary advising.
*Submit class schedules to the Morgan State University Transfer Center each semester.
*Submit final grades at the end of each semester to the Morgan State University Transfer Center.

Transitioning to Morgan State University

CONNECT Program students are ready to transfer to Morgan State University they they have:

Earned 12 to 23 transferable* credits (with a high school and community college GPA of 2.0 or higher), or
Earned 24 or more transferable credits (with a community college GPA of 2.0 or higher)

Once either a. or b. above have been achieved, the student must apply to MSU admissions and submit an official transcript after earning the required number of transferable credits.

*Developmental and/or remedial classes are not considered transferable credits.

Participating Maryland Community Colleges

Allegany College of Maryland
Anne Arundel Community College
Baltimore City Community College
Community College of Baltimore County (Catonsville, Dundalk, and Essex)
Carroll Community College
Cecil College
Chesapeake College
College of Southern Maryland
Frederick Community College
Garrett College
Hagerstown Community College
Harford Community College
Howard Community College
Montgomery College
Prince George’s Community College
Wor-Wic Community College

After students have completed the required number of successful credit hours at the participating community college with a GPA of 2.0 or better, they may transfer to Morgan State University.

The NEXUS Program

The Network for Undergraduate Success (NEXUS) Program is an innovative alternative admissions program designed to provide students with access to a quality college education. NEXUS program participants, while officially students at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC), begin their academic journey on Morgan State University (MSU) grounds, and once transferred will remain on MSU’s campus. NEXUS means center, connection, core, link, network, tie, union, bond. Being a NEXUS student denotes that two schools have bonded to provide a network of services and opportunities from which each participant may benefit and succeed

Grade point average and standardized test scores do not always provide a complete or accurate measurement of a student’s potential for success. Morgan State University and the Community College of Baltimore County are aware that while standard assessment tools are strong indicators of academic potential, test scores are not always indicative of a student’s ability to successfully earn a degree. NEXUS provides an alternative for students with drive and potential by providing access to two outstanding schools. Resources, strong academics, and solid support systems from both institutions helps to ensure each student an opportunity to meet and exceed the University’s admission requirements.

Students will reside on campus during the mandatory 4-day ACCESS Orientation. Living on campus during the academic semester is optional. NEXUS students have all of the privileges afforded to Morgan students including, but not limited to, all facilities, social and cultural events, and all support services available. The choice to live on campus will only enhance students full integration into MSU student life. Most importantly, living and learning on campus ensures students are constantly surrounded by all the amenities which support academic success.

Program Enrollment Requirements

Students will be administered a placement examination by The Community College of Baltimore County NEXUS Program Coordinator. Students who live 20 miles or more from the MSU campus must contact the CCBC NEXUS Program Coordinator for information on taking the placement test closer to home. The results of the placement examination will determine CCBC course schedules in accordance with CCBC criteria. Upon completion of the NEXUS program, students transferring to Morgan State University may be required to take a placement examination.

Prospective participants will be asked to sign a FERPA-compliant waiver. The waiver allows CCBC and MSU to legally share student records and other personal data for the sole purpose of administering the NEXUS program.
Students shall comply with the policies and the code of student conduct for both institutions. In general, CCBC’s policies and code of student conduct will apply with respect to academic and class-related issues, and MSU’s policies and code of student conduct will apply for non-academic and non-class-related issues.

Progression through the program

Students may participate in NEXUS for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Academic progress in NEXUS will be determined by CCBC standards.

Students are eligible to transfer to Morgan under the following conditions:

Completion of at least 12 credit hours, including developmental coursework, with a 2.5 or better cumulative Program grade point average (GPA) and a minimum of C in each Course. (Developmental coursework will be used only for the purposes of granting admission to MSU; developmental coursework shall not transfer to MSU nor shall it be included on MSU academic records nor apply toward any certificate or degree at MSU), or
Completion of at least 24 credit hours, excluding developmental coursework, with a 2.0 or better GPA in NEXUS.
Students transitioning to MSU may be required to take a placement test and may continue in pre-college preparation courses.
Students who either do not complete two semesters in NEXUS or who complete the two semesters in NEXUS without meeting the transfer requirements set forth in a. or b. above, and who wish to be admitted to MSU, must reapply to MSU when they have met the requirements for regular admission according to MSU’s current transfer admission criteria.
Students who leave NEXUS without either transferring to MSU or completing two semesters in NEXUS may reapply for admission to either institution in accordance with the institution’s current admission procedures, but are not eligible for admission in accordance with the provisions of “a.” above.

Program costs:
Students shall pay no more than any other first-time freshman. Tuition will be paid to CCBC. Fees, housing and meal plan, Access Orientation, health insurance, books, miscellaneous expenses, and program participation fee will be paid to MSU. Students will be dropped from the program for non-payment of fees and costs to either institution.

Transfer Students

Morgan State University welcomes applications from transfer students from community colleges and four year colleges and universities accredited by Maryland and/or a regional accrediting association. Students are expected to have a cumulative average of 2.0 from all colleges attended and be “in good standing” academically and financially at the last institution attended. In all cases, the transfer student must earn the last 30 credit hours toward the desired degree at the University as a full-time or part-time student. Applications from transfer students with A.A. and A.A.S. degrees earned at Maryland community colleges will be evaluated as determined by the Maryland Student Transfer Policy.

Transfer applicants should also refer to the Admissions section, and, if they have veteran status, the Veteran Services section of the catalog.

Morgan State University Transfer Student Policy


These Student Transfer Policies, as adopted by the Maryland Higher Education Commission on December 4, 1995, shall be effective and applicable to students first enrolling in Maryland public post-secondary educational institutions in Fall 1996, and thereafter.

Applicability of Policies

These transfer policies and procedures apply to admission, credit transfer, program articulation, and related matters for undergraduate students who wish to transfer between Maryland public colleges and universities. The Maryland Higher Education Commission also recommends them to Maryland independent institutions.


A major premise of the Maryland public higher education system is that a student should be able to progress from one segment of higher education to another without loss of time or unnecessary duplication of effort. The Maryland Higher Education Commission’s objective is to ensure that a student who intends to complete a baccalaureate degree and who begins his or her work at a community college, is able to move toward the completion of that degree by transferring to a baccalaureate degree-granting institution without loss of credit or unnecessary duplication of course content. At the same time, the Commission recognizes that some students change their educational objectives as they progress in their studies, indeed, sometimes because their studies expose them to new ideas and possibilities. These students should also be able to complete their general education courses and have them transfer without loss of credit.

One means of accomplishing this objective is through the development of recommended transfer programs between two- and four-year institutions. A recommended transfer program, developed by careful planning and agreement between specific two- and four-year institutions, is that recommended sequences of courses which a student takes at a community college will constitute the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program at a Maryland public institution of higher education.

The Maryland Higher Education Commission recognizes that students select institutions of higher education for a variety of reasons. These policies also recognize that each Maryland public college or university has a separate and distinct mission, and that each has the responsibility to establish and maintain standards of expectations for courses, programs, certificates, and degrees consistent with that mission. Nevertheless, effective and efficient transfer of credits between and among these institutions must occur within the larger context of the statewide structure of baccalaureate and community college education.

Successful and harmonious articulation depends upon:

  • Firm agreement that the needs of the student should be a primary concern in developing articulation procedures, while maintaining the integrity of educational programs;
  • Establishment of clear and equitable policies to assure optimum accessibility for transfer students with minimal loss of credits and minimal duplication of course content;
  • Mechanisms for evaluation and resolving difficulties students may encounter in moving from one school to another;
  • Free and continuous communications among institutions;
  • Mutual respect for institutions and their missions;
  • Adaptability, within a context of understanding that changes affect not only the institution making changes but also the students and institutions impacted by the changes;  Free exchange of data among institutions;
  • Timely exchange of information relative to students’ progress. The intended principal benefactor is the student, whose uninterrupted progress toward a degree - based on successful academic performance - is best served by the open exchange of current information about programs, and is best protected by a clear transfer policy pertaining to the public segments of higher education in Maryland. The State’s interests are similarly served through such a policy, which results in the optimal use of its higher education resources by reducing the costly duplication that results in the needless waste of the valuable time and effort of Maryland students, faculty, and administration. Institutional interests and missions are also protected by this systematic approach, which permits them to incorporate into their academic planning more accurate projections about the programmatic backgrounds of transferring students.

In more specific ways this document’s purpose is to:

  • Define broad areas of agreement among the public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education pertaining to facilitating the transfer of students within these segments;
  • Provide a mechanism for continuous evaluation of programs, policies, procedures, and relationships affecting transfer of students;
  • Provide such revisions as are needed to promote the academic success and general well-being of the transfer student;
  • Provide a system of appeals beginning on the campus level to resolve difficulties that students experience in transfer.

While policies and procedures can be established which facilitate the transfer of students, it is the responsibility of the student, as the principal in the process, to know and follow the procedures defined.

Chapter 01 Public Institutions of Higher Education
Authority: Education Article, §§11-201—11-206, Annotated Code of Maryland

.01 Scope and Applicability.
This chapter applies only to public institutions of higher education.

.02 Definitions.

  1. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
  2. Terms defined.
    1. “A.A. degree” means the Associate of Arts degree.
    2. “A.A.S. degree” means the Associate of Applied Sciences degree.
    3. “Arts” means courses that examine aesthetics and the development of the aesthetic form and explore the relationship between theory and practice. Courses in this area may include fine arts, performing and studio arts, appreciation of the arts, and history of the arts.
    4. “A.S. degree” means the Associate of Sciences degree.
    5. “Biological and physical sciences” means courses that examine living systems and the physical universe. They introduce students to the variety of methods used to collect, interpret, and apply scientific data, and to an understanding of the relationship between scientific theory and application.
    6. “English composition courses” means courses that provide students with communication knowledge and skills appropriate to various writing situations, including intellectual inquiry and academic research.
    7. “General education” means the foundation of the higher education curriculum providing a coherent intellectual experience for all students.
    8. “General education program” means a program that is designed to:
      1. Introduce undergraduates to the fundamental knowledge, skills, and values that are essential to the study of academic disciplines;
      2. Encourage the pursuit of life-long learning; and
      3. Foster the development of educated members of the community and the world.
    9. “Humanities” means courses that examine the values and cultural heritage that establish the framework for inquiry into the meaning of life. Courses in the humanities may include the language, history, literature, and philosophy of Western and other cultures.
    10. “Mathematics” means courses that provide students with numerical, analytical, statistical, and problem-solving skills.
    11. “Native student” means a student whose initial college enrollment was at a given institution of higher education and who has not transferred to another institution of higher education since that initial enrollment.
    12. “Parallel program” means the program of study or courses at one institution of higher education which has comparable objectives as those at another higher education institution, for example, a transfer program in psychology in a community college is definable as a parallel program to a baccalaureate psychology program at a 4-year institution of higher education.
    13. “Receiving institution” means the institution of higher education at which a transfer student currently desires to enroll.
    14. “Recommended transfer program” means a planned program of courses, both general education and courses in the major, taken at a community college, which is applicable to a baccalaureate program at a receiving institution, and ordinarily the first 2 years of the baccalaureate degree.
    15. “Sending institution” means the institution of higher education of most recent previous enrollment by a transfer student at which transferable academic credit was earned.
    16. “Social and behavioral sciences” means courses that examine the psychology of individuals and the ways in which individuals, groups, or segments of society behave, function, and influence one another. The courses include, but are not limited to, subjects which focus on:
      1. History and cultural diversity;
      2. Concepts of groups, work, and political systems;
      3. Applications of qualitative and quantitative data to social issues; and
      4. Interdependence of individuals, society, and the physical environment.
    17. “Transfer student” means a student entering an institution for the first time having successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at another institution which is applicable for credit at the institution the student is entering.

.02-1 Admission of Transfer Students to Public Institutions.

  1. Admission to Institutions.
    1. A student attending a public institution who has completed an A.A., A.A.S., or A.S. degree or who has completed 56 or more semester hours of credit, may not be denied direct transfer to another public institution if the student attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent in parallel courses, except as provided in §A(4) of this regulation.
    2. A student attending a public institution who has not completed an A.A., A.A.S., or A.S. degree or who has completed fewer than 56 semester hours of credit, is eligible to transfer to a public institution regardless of the number of credit hours earned if the student:
      1. Satisfied the admission criteria of the receiving public institution as a high school senior; and
      2. Attained at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent in parallel courses.
    3. A student attending a public institution who did not satisfy the admission criteria of a receiving public institution as a high school senior, but who has earned sufficient credits at a public institution to be classified by the receiving public institution as a sophomore, shall meet the stated admission criteria developed and published by the receiving public institution for transfer.
    4. If the number of students seeking admission exceeds the number that can be accommodated at a receiving public institution, admission decisions shall be:
      1. Based on criteria developed and published by the receiving public institution; and
      2. Made to provide fair and equal treatment for native and transfer students.
  2. Admission to Programs.
    1. A receiving public institution may require higher performance standards for admission to some programs if the standards and criteria for admission to the program:
      1. Are developed and published by the receiving public institution; and
      2. Maintain fair and equal treatment for native and transfer students.
    2. If the number of students seeking admission exceeds the number that can be accommodated in a particular professional or specialized program, admission decisions shall be:
      1. Based on criteria developed and published by the receiving public institution; and
      2. Made to provide fair and equal treatment for native and transfer students.
    3. Courses taken at a public institution as part of a recommended transfer program leading toward a baccalaureate degree shall be applicable to related programs at a receiving public institution granting the baccalaureate degree.
  3. C. Receiving Institution Program Responsibility.
    1. The faculty of a receiving public institution is responsible for development and determination of the program requirements in major fields of study for a baccalaureate degree, including courses in the major field of study taken in the lower division.
    2. A receiving public institution may set program requirements in major fields of study which simultaneously fulfill general education requirements.
    3. A receiving public institution, in developing lower division course work, shall exchange information with other public institutions to facilitate the tranfer of credits into its programs.

.03 General Education Requirements for Public Institutions.

  1. While public institutions have the autonomy to design their general education program to meet their unique needs and mission, that program shall conform to the definitions and common standards in this chapter. A public institution shall satisfy the general education requirement by:
    1. Requiring each program leading to the A.A. or A.S. degree to include not less than 30 and not more than 36 semester hours, and each baccalaureate degree program to include not less than 40 and not more than 46 semester hours of required core courses, with the core requiring, at a minimum, course work in each of the following five areas:
      1. Arts and humanities,
      2. Social and behavioral sciences,
      3. Biological and physical sciences,
      4. Mathematics, and
      5. English composition; or
    2. Conforming with COMAR 13B.02.02.16D(2)(b)—–(c).
  2. Each core course used to satisfy the distribution requirements of §A(1) of this regulation shall carry at least 3 semester hours.
  3. General education programs of public institutions shall require at least:
    1. One course in each of two disciplines in arts and humanities;
    2. One course in each of two disciplines in social and behavioral sciences;
    3. Two science courses, at least one of which shall be a laboratory course;
    4. One course in mathematics at or above the level of college algebra; and
    5. One course in English composition.
  4. Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues.
    1. In addition to the five required areas in §A of this regulation, a public institution may include up to 8 semester hours in a sixth category that addresses emerging issues that institutions have identified as essential to a full program of general education for their students. These courses may:
      1. Be integrated into other general education courses or may be presented as separate courses; and
      2. Include courses that:
        1. Provide an interdisciplinary examination of issues across the five areas, or
        2. Address other categories of knowledge, skills, and values that lie outside of the five areas.
    2. Public institutions may not include the courses in this section in a general education program unless they provide academic content and rigor equivalent to the areas in §A(1) of this regulation.
  5. General education programs leading to the A.A.S. degree shall include at least 20 semester hours from the same course list designated by the sending institution for the A.A. and A.S. degrees. The A.A.S. degree shall include at least one 3-semester-hour course from each of the five areas listed in §A(1) of this regulation.
  6. A course in a discipline listed in more than one of the areas of general education may be applied only to one area of general education.
  7. A public institution may allow a speech communication or foreign language course to be part of the arts and humanities category.
  8. Composition and literature courses may be placed in the arts and humanities area if literature is included as part of the content of the course.
  9. Public institutions may not include physical education skills courses as part of the general education requirements.
  10. General education courses shall reflect current scholarship in the discipline and provide reference to theoretical frameworks and methods of inquiry appropriate to academic disciplines.
  11. Courses that are theoretical may include applications, but all applications courses shall include theoretical components if they are to be included as meeting general education requirements.
  12. Public institutions may incorporate knowledge and skills involving the use of quantitative data, effective writing, information retrieval, and information literacy when possible in the general education program.
  13. Notwithstanding §A(1) of this regulation, a public 4-year institution may require 48 semester hours of required core courses if courses upon which the institution’s curriculum is based carry 4 semester hours.
  14. Public institutions shall develop systems to ensure that courses approved for inclusion on the list of general education courses are designed and assessed to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

.04 Transfer of General Education Credit.

  1. A student transferring to one public institution from another public institution shall receive general education credit for work completed at the student’s sending institution as provided by this chapter.
  2. A completed general education program shall transfer without further review or approval by the receiving institution and without the need for a course-by-course match.
  3. Courses that are defined as general education by one institution shall transfer as general education even if the receiving institution does not have that specific course or has not designated that course as general education.
  4. The receiving institution shall give lower-division general education credits to a transferring student who has taken any part of the lower-division general education credits described in Regulation .03 of this chapter at a public institution for any general education courses successfully completed at the sending institution.
  5. Except as provided in Regulation .03M of this chapter, a receiving institution may not require a transfer student who has completed the requisite number of general education credits at any public college or university to take, as a condition of graduation, more than 10—–16 additional semester hours of general education and specific courses required of all students at the receiving institution, with the total number not to exceed 46 semester hours. This provision does not relieve students of the obligation to complete specific academic program requirements or course prerequisites required by a receiving institution.
  6. A sending institution shall designate on or with the student transcript those courses that have met its general education requirements, as well as indicate whether the student has completed the general education program.
  7. A.A.S. Degrees.
    1. While there may be variance in the numbers of hours of general education required for A.A., A.S., and A.A.S. degrees at a given institution, the courses identified as meeting general education requirements for all degrees shall come from the same general education course list and exclude technical or career courses.
    2. An A.A.S. student who transfers into a receiving institution with fewer than the total number of general education credits designated by the receiving institution shall complete the difference in credits according to the distribution as designated by the receiving institution. Except as provided in Regulation .03M of this chapter, the total general education credits for baccalaureate degree-granting public receiving institutions may not exceed 46 semester hours.
  8. Student Responsibilities. A student is held:
    1. Accountable for the loss of credits that:
      1. Result from changes in the student’s selection of the major program of study,
      2. Were earned for remedial course work, or
      3. Exceed the total course credits accepted in transfer as allowed by this chapter; and
    2. Responsible for meeting all requirements of the academic program of the receiving institution.

.05 Transfer of Nongeneral Education Program Credit.

  1. Transfer to Another Public Institution.
    1. Credit earned at any public institution in the State is transferable to any other public institution if the:
      1. Credit is from a college or university parallel course or program;
      2. Grades in the block of courses transferred average 2.0 or higher; and
      3. Acceptance of the credit is consistent with the policies of the receiving institution governing native students following the same program.
    2. If a native student’s “D” grade in a specific course is acceptable in a program, then a “D” earned by a transfer student in the same course at a sending institution is also acceptable in the program. Conversely, if a native student is required to earn a grade of “C” or better in a required course, the transfer student shall also be required to earn a grade of “C” or better to meet the same requirement.
  2. Credit earned in or transferred from a community college is limited to:
    1. 1/2 the baccalaureate degree program requirement, but may not be more than 70 semester hours; and
    2. The first 2 years of the undergraduate education experience.
  3. Nontraditional Credit.
    1. The assignment of credit for AP, CLEP, or other nationally recognized standardized examination scores presented by transfer students is determined according to the same standards that apply to native students in the receiving institution, and the assignment shall be consistent with the State minimum requirements.
    2. Transfer of credit from the following areas shall be consistent with COMAR 13B.02.02. and shall be evaluated by the receiving institution on a course-by-course basis:
      1. Technical courses from career programs;
      2. Course credit awarded through articulation agreements with other segments or agencies;
      3. Credit awarded for clinical practice or cooperative education experiences; and
      4. Credit awarded for life and work experiences.
    3. The basis for the awarding of the credit shall be indicated on the student’s transcript by the receiving institution.
    4. The receiving institution shall inform a transfer student of the procedures for validation of course work for which there is no clear equivalency. Examples of validation procedures include ACE recommendations, portfolio assessment, credit through challenge, examinations, and satisfactory completion of the next course in sequence in the academic area.
    5. The receiving baccalaureate degree-granting institution shall use validation procedures when a transferring student successfully completes a course at the lower-division level that the receiving institution offers at the upper-division level. The validated credits earned for the course shall be substituted for the upper-division course.
  4. Program Articulation.
    1. Recommended transfer programs shall be developed through consultation between the sending and receiving institutions. A recommended transfer program represents an agreement between the two institutions that allows students aspiring to the baccalaureate degree to plan their programs. These programs constitute freshman/sophomore level course work to be taken at the community college in fulfillment of the receiving institution’s lower division course work requirement.
    2. Recommended transfer programs in effect at the time that this regulation takes effect, which conform to this chapter, may be retained.

.06 Academic Success and General Well-Being of Transfer Students.

  1. Sending Institutions.
    1. Community colleges shall encourage their students to complete the associate degree or to complete 56 hours in a recommended transfer program which includes both general education courses and courses applicable toward the program at the receiving institution.
    2. Community college students are encouraged to choose as early as possible the institution and program into which they expect to transfer.
    3. The sending institution shall:
      1. Provide to community college students information about the specific transferability of courses at 4-year colleges;
      2. Transmit information about transfer students who are capable of honors work or independent study to the receiving institution; and
      3. Promptly supply the receiving institution with all the required documents if the student has met all financial and other obligations of the sending institution for transfer.
  2. Receiving Institutions.
    1. Admission requirements and curriculum prerequisites shall be stated explicitly in institutional publications.
    2. A receiving institution shall admit transfer students from newly established public colleges that are functioning with the approval of the Maryland Higher Education Commission on the same basis as applicants from regionally accredited colleges.
    3. A receiving institution shall evaluate the transcript of a degree-seeking transfer student as expeditiously as possible, and notify the student of the results not later than mid-semester of the student’s first semester of enrollment at the receiving institution, if all official transcripts have been received at least 15 working days before mid-semester. The receiving institution shall inform a student of the courses which are acceptable for transfer credit and the courses which are applicable to the student’s intended program of study.
    4. A receiving institution shall give a transfer student the option of satisfying institutional graduation requirements that were in effect at the receiving institution at the time the student enrolled as a freshman at the sending institution. In the case of major requirements, a transfer student may satisfy the major requirements in effect at the time when the student was identifiable as pursuing the recommended transfer program at the sending institution. These conditions are applicable to a student who has been continuously enrolled at the sending institution.

.07 Programmatic Currency.

  1. A receiving institution shall provide to the community college current and accurate information on recommended transfer programs and the transferability status of courses. Community college students shall have access to this information.
  2. Recommended transfer programs shall be developed with each community college whenever new baccalaureate programs are approved by the degree-granting institution.
  3. When considering curricular changes, institutions shall notify each other of the proposed changes that might affect transfer students. An appropriate mechanism shall be created to ensure that both 2-year and 4-year public colleges provide input or comments to the institution proposing the change. Sufficient lead time shall be provided to effect the change with minimum disruption. Transfer students are not required to repeat equivalent course work successfully completed at a community college.

.08 Transfer Mediation Committee.

  1. There is a Transfer Mediation Committee, appointed by the Secretary, which is representative of the public 4-year colleges and universities and the community colleges.
  2. Sending and receiving institutions that disagree on the transferability of general education courses as defined by this chapter shall submit their disagreements to the Transfer Mediation Committee. The Transfer Mediation Committee shall address general questions regarding existing or past courses only, not individual student cases, and shall also address questions raised by institutions about the acceptability of new general education courses. As appropriate, the Committee shall consult with faculty on curricular issues.
  3. The findings of the Transfer Mediation Committee are considered binding on both parties.

.09 Appeal Process.

  1. Notice of Denial of Transfer Credit by a Receiving Institution.
    1. Except as provided in §A(2) of this regulation, a receiving institution shall inform a transfer student in writing of the denial of transfer credit not later than mid-semester of the transfer student’s first semester, if all official transcripts have been received at least 15 working days before mid-semester.
    2. If transcripts are submitted after 15 working days before mid-semester of a student’s first semester, the receiving institution shall inform the student of credit denied within 20 working days of receipt of the official transcript.
    3. A receiving institution shall include in the notice of denial of transfer credit:
      1. A statement of the student’s right to appeal; and
      2. A notification that the appeal process is available in the institution’s catalog.
    4. The statement of the student’s right to appeal the denial shall include notice of the time limitations in §B of this regulation.
  2. A student believing that the receiving institution has denied the student transfer credits in violation of this chapter may initiate an appeal by contacting the receiving institution’s transfer coordinator or other responsible official of the receiving institution within 20 working days of receiving notice of the denial of credit.
  3. Response by Receiving Institution.
    1. A receiving institution shall:
      1. Establish expeditious and simplified procedures governing the appeal of a denial of transfer of credit; and
      2. Respond to a student’s appeal within 10 working days.
    2. An institution may either grant or deny an appeal. The institution’s reasons for denying the appeal shall be consistent with this chapter and conveyed to the student in written form.
    3. Unless a student appeals to the sending institution, the written decision in §C(2) of this regulation constitutes the receiving institution’s final decision and is not subject to appeal.
  4. Appeal to Sending Institution.
    1. If a student has been denied transfer credit after an appeal to the receiving institution, the student may request the sending institution to intercede on the student’s behalf by contacting the transfer coordinator of the sending institution.
    2. A student shall make an appeal to the sending institution within 10 working days of having received the decision of the receiving institution.
  5. Consultation Between Sending and Receiving Institutions.
    1. Representatives of the two institutions shall have 15 working days to resolve the issues involved in an appeal.
    2. As a result of a consultation in this section, the receiving institution may affirm, modify, or reverse its earlier decision.
    3. The receiving institution shall inform a student in writing of the result of the consultation.
    4. The decision arising out of a consultation constitutes the final decision of the receiving institution and is not subject to appeal.

.10 Periodic Review.

  1. Report by Receiving Institution.
    1. A receiving institution shall report annually the progress of students who transfer from 2-year and 4-year institutions within the State to each community college and to the Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
    2. An annual report shall include ongoing reports on the subsequent academic success of enrolled transfer students, including graduation rates, by major subject areas.
    3. A receiving institution shall include in the reports comparable information on the progress of native students.
  2. Transfer Coordinator. A public institution of higher education shall designate a transfer coordinator, who serves as a resource person to transfer students at either the sending or receiving campus. The transfer coordinator is responsible for overseeing the application of the policies and procedures outlined in this chapter and interpreting transfer policies to the individual student and to the institution.
  3. The Maryland Higher Education Commission shall establish a permanent Student Transfer Advisory Committee that meets regularly to review transfer issues and recommend policy changes as needed. The Student Transfer Advisory Committee shall address issues of interpretation and implementation of this chapter.

Administrative History
Effective date: December 4, 1995 (22:24 Md. R. 1901)
Regulation .02B amended effective July 1, 1996 (23:13 Md. R. 946)
Regulation .02-1 adopted effective April 6, 1998 (25:7 Md. R. 528)