Mar 13, 2025  
2010-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2010-2013 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering, D.Eng.


The purpose of the Doctor of Engineering program is to prepare students beyond the application of advanced engineering principles to the ability to perform independent research, problem definition and problem solving. The goal of this program is to produce engineering professionals who are leaders in their fields of stated and demonstrated expertise.

The program leading to the degree of Doctor of Engineering is formally affiliated with the department where activities are most closely related to an applicant’s advanced study goals. However, the range of inquiry may (and is encouraged to) cross traditional departmental and school lines such that research and practical experience opportunities are extremely broad, and, that highly individualized programs can be pursued.


The Doctor of Engineering program is designed to provide advanced engineering education and experience that is professionally oriented and which will afford graduate degree engineers the opportunity to develop into strong engineering professionals, applied researchers, managers of technology, technologically trained educators, and technological advocates. The Doctor of Engineering program is characterized, in large part, by the special nature of the dissertation. As part of the dissertation development process, the student may be required to work with industry, a governmental agency, or a consulting engineering firm to develop a dissertation topic that is tailored individually to the student. The planning of content for this experience is done in conjunction with the faculty and corporate (government) advisor(s). All parties (student, faculty advisor, corporate advisor) will work together to meet the needs of the student, the academic and professional standards of the university, and the competitive posture of the involved corporation (government agency) respectively.


Admission to the doctoral program will be considered for those persons who, in addition to meeting admission requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, also possess the following qualifications:

  • Preference for admission to the Doctor of Engineering program is given to those persons who hold a Masters Degree from an accredited graduate engineering degree program. Applicants holding masters degrees in computer science, physics, and other science and mathematics-related fields and who are currently pursuing careers closely aligned with engineering will be considered for admission to the Doctoral Program on a case by case basis.
  • Exceptional students, upon the recommendation of a faculty committee, who are graduates with a Baccalaureate Degree from ABET accredited Engineering programs, may apply and be considered for admission to the Doctoral Program. Students, with Baccalaureate Degrees, who have completed 18 credit hours of Masters Degree work with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or greater, may apply to the Doctoral program.

General Requirements

  • All candidates for the Doctor of Engineering degree must complete the required program of coursework, seminars, and research described in this catalog.
  • All candidates must pass an Admission to Candidacy examination. In addition, when required by the student’s Advisory/Doctoral committee, the student must take and pass a Preliminary examination.
  • All candidates must submit a doctoral dissertation. When the dissertation has been completed to the satisfaction of the committee chairperson, a dissertation defense will be scheduled at which time the student must orally defend his or her work before the entire Doctoral Advisory Committee.
  • All requirements for the doctoral degree in Engineering must be completed within a period of seven consecutive years from the date of admission.
  • All candidates are expected to participate in experiences in academia, industry or a government agency, as required by the candidate’s Advisory or Doctoral Committee.
  • All candidates must satisfy residency requirements.

Residency Requirements

All candidates must satisfy 18 credit hours of residency requirements in one of the following ways:

  • Full-time candidates for the Doctor of Engineering degree must satisfy residency requirements by enrolling in nine (9) credit hours per semester, for two (2) consecutive semesters.
  • Part-time candidates for the Doctor of Engineering degree must satisfy residency requirements by enrolling in six (6) credit hours per semester, for three (3) consecutive semesters.
  • Upon completion of course requirements and all required examinations, the candidate must continue to register for “Dissertation Guidance” each semester until the dissertation is successfully completed.

Program of Study

The program of study for a doctoral student is prescribed on an individual basis. The student’s undergraduate degree concentration, master’s degree concentration, professional engineering related experience, and future goals are taken into consideration in creating a program of study.

The program of study is directed toward building doctoral level capability in an interdisciplinary, but comprehensive body of knowledge. For example, the following civil engineering-related sub-disciplines are available: applied mechanics, environmental engineering, geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, groundwater hydrology, hydrology, infrastructure planning and engineering, structural engineering, structural mechanics, and transportation engineering.

Notice of Intention

Students who have completed at least 12 semester hours, and have attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.2, may file notice with the appropriate engineering department of intention to become a candidate for the Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.). If a student, already enrolled for the Master’s degree, wishes to file notice to become a candidate for the D.Eng., the student must re-apply. The notice of intention must include a plan of study with a major and a minor specialty identified and approved by the Preliminary Advisory Committee.

Two Options are Available within the Doctoral Program

Option 1: M.S./M.E. to D.Eng.

The minimum requirement for a Doctoral Degree is 30 credit hours beyond a Master’s Degree. The course credit hours must be at the 500-600 level and above, of which a minimum of 21 credits are at the 600 level and above. The 30 graduate credits include those credits students take following their matriculation as a Doctor of Engineering student, at Morgan State University. This does not include credit for the dissertation. This requirement may, however, be increased at the discretion of the student’s Advisory Committee. Dissertation Research credit is determined by the student’s major professor and Doctoral Advisory Committee (a minimum of 12 credit hours is required). Up to 12 graduate credit hours from a regionally accredited institution at the 500-600 equivalent level or higher may be transferred with approval by the major professor.

Option 2: B.S. to D.Eng.

The minimum requirement for the Doctoral Degree is 60 credit hours beyond a Bachelor’s Degree. This does not include credit for the dissertation. This requirement may, however, be increased at the discretion of the student’s advisory committee. Of the 60 credits, a maximum of 33 credits can be at the 500 level; and the remaining (excluding Seminar and Project Report courses) must be at the 600 level and above. Up to 12 graduate credits from a regionally accredited institution, with ABET accredited programs, at the 500-600 equivalent level or higher, may be transferred with approval. The Dissertation Research credit requirement is determined by the student’s major professor and Advisory committee. A minimum of 12 Dissertation credit hours is required.

Under Option 2, the candidate will have the option of terminating at the Master’s Degree provided the candidate has completed the requirements for the Master of Engineering program.

Plan of Study

The contents of an approved plan of study will be determined by the student and his or her Advisory Committee. The committee will consider the student’s interests and suggestions in arriving at an approved preliminary plan and subsequent revisions as may be required. Normally, the student will take all of the courses offered in, at least, the sequence of specialized graduate work embracing the major specialty of interest in which he or she proposes to conduct research.

Minor Specialty

The minimal number of degree credit hours is designed to ensure depth in the candidate’s field of concentration. To achieve breadth across relevant fields of study, individuals are encouraged to exceed the minimum by taking a sequence of coordinated cross-disciplinary courses from within the School of Engineering or from other schools on campus (i.e. Schools of Business, Science, Liberal Arts, or Education).


The Doctoral student is required to take two (2) examinations: (A) the Admission to Candidacy examination; and, (B) the Dissertation Defense examination. In addition, when required by the student’s Doctoral Advisory Committee, a Preliminary Examination must be passed. At the discretion of the Advisory Committee, the Admission to Candidacy examination can be written, oral, or both written and oral. The Dissertation Defense is oral. The examinations are to be taken in the following manner:

Admission to Candidacy: (A) Examination

An admission to candidacy examination will be conducted to judge the candidate’s comprehension of graduate course work and the candidate’s ability to propose, to present and to defend the results of independent research. At the time of this examination, the student must make a presentation of his/her proposed research, which presents the underlying engineering technologies and outlines the plan of research. This examination is to be conducted by the full Doctoral Advisory Committee. Should the student fail this Candidacy Examination, the Doctoral Advisory Committee determines the conditions to be met before a second examination is to be administered. A third examination is prohibited.

Dissertation Defense (B) Examination:

All doctoral candidates are to conduct a major research project, the result of which culminates in a dissertation. This dissertation must be a well-reasoned application of advanced knowledge of technology and must show evidence of scholarly attainment in the student’s major specialty. The Doctoral Advisory Committee will conduct the dissertation defense examination. This examination will determine the candidate’s ability to apply advanced engineering disciplines to problems of substance in a creative and scholarly manner. Prior to the time of the (B) examination, if the Doctoral Advisory Committee deems it a requirement, the student must have submitted a paper of his/her research to a conference or professional journal. Any deficiencies that may have been uncovered in previous examinations must have been rectified before a candidate can be permitted to take his dissertation examination.

Other Miscellaneous Considerations

If a Doctoral candidate goes to industry or government while completing his/her research, an Understanding of Agreement must be drawn up between the company, advisor, and advisee. This agreement outlines the goals and expectations concerning the overview and completion of the research dissertation before the advisee leaves. All work will continue to be conducted under the guidance and approval of the Major Advisor in absentia.