Program Faculty
Department Chairperson Frimpomaa Ampaw, Ed.D. 315 Banneker Building Tel: (443) 885-3781; Fax: (443) 885-8238 E-mail: Program Director Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, PhD Program Director and Professor of Practice, Community College Leadership School of Education and Urban Studies Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy Banneker Building, Suite 200 443-885-1983 Email: Program Faculty Carolyn Anderson, EdD Lecturer Krishna Bista, PhD Professor Uttam Gaulee, EdD Professor Christine Harrington, PhD Professor Wilbur Hicks, JD Lecturer Kimberly McManus, EdD Lecturer Robin Spaid, PhD Associate Professor Michael Sparrow, EdD Assistant Professor Program Description
This degree pathway offers students a stimulating and highly structured program of study. It is designed for working professionals who are committed to attaining a Doctor of Education degree. Morgan’s mission is to serve a diverse student body and to help ensure that the benefits of higher education are enjoyed by a broad segment of the population. To help fulfill the university’s mission, our esteemed faculty prepare students to emerge from the program equipped to handle the unique and diverse leadership challenges associated with leading and teaching in the 21st century community college. This pathway is based on the belief that community college leadership requires the following specific knowledge base and competencies (American Association of Community Colleges, 2022): Institutional and Cultural Awareness, Governance, Local, State, and Federal Policy, Student Success, Leadership, Institutional Transformation, Fiscal Planning and Resource Development, Advocacy, Partnerships and Collaborations, Communication, Collaboration, and Professionalism Program Objectives
The degree program leading to a Doctor of Education (EdD) in Community College Leadership is designed to prepare students for senior level leadership roles and professorial positions within the community college setting. This intense program of study focuses on training professionals for the unique situations encountered by senior administrators and faculty serving in community colleges. In addition, a major emphasis of the program is to support and inspire research that is relevant to contemporary issues and concerns of the nation’s 21st century community colleges. General Requirements
All candidates pursuing the EdD must complete a minimum of 54 credit hours at Morgan after admission to the program. -
In addition, all candidates must select a specialized internship in a community college. The internship must be approved prior to beginning the internship. -
All doctoral candidates must pass a written comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination may be repeated only once. To be eligible to take the comprehensive examination, the student must have completed a minimum of 45 credit hours, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, with no I (Incomplete) or F grades. Grades of C are not acceptable. -
Each student must submit a concept paper and successfully pass prior to moving to the writing of the first three chapters of the dissertation. -
Upon completion of the first three chapters, the proposal defense must be scheduled. The successful proposal defense then allows the student to proceed with the writing of chapters four and five of the dissertation. -
All requirements for the EdD degree must be completed within a period of seven consecutive years. The granting of a leave of absence by the School of Graduate Studies does not automatically extend the time limit. Students must apply for an extension request with the School of Graduate Studies and provide necessary documentation. -
Students must maintain continuous registration until the completion of all program requirements and dissertation submission. Admission
To be eligible for admission to the doctoral program in Community College Leadership, an applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements: -
Master’s degree from an accredited university or college -
A minimum of one year of community college/higher education work experience is required. -
A cumulative 3.0 GPA in graduate school coursework Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements and submitting all the required documents does not guarantee that an offer of admission will be made to the applicant. The decision of the Program Admissions Committee involves a review and analysis of all the elements of the application as well as the availability of positions in the program. The committee then recommends to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies that an offer admission should be made based on that review Candidacy
Students achieve candidacy by successfully passing the Comprehensive Examination and the Proposal Defense. Prior to achieving Candidacy, students may register for ASLP 993 . Students are also expected to complete an internship prior to candidacy. Once a student achieves candidacy, enrollment in any course other than 799, 797, 998, or 997 is generally prohibited. Students seeking additional skills, knowledge, or a certificate must seek approval through the program up to the School of Graduate Studies. The request must be accompanied with a revised Plan of Study. Thesis/Dissertation Completion
Describe the selection of committee members, general nature of the thesis, other expectations as warranted including the method of defense. Each student must select a committee chair, as well as two additional committee members. Students are expected to give an oral defense of the proposal and the final dissertation. For a dissertation to be accepted by the School of Graduate Studies, it must: -
Demonstrate thorough knowledge of prior scholarship, including qualitative or quantitative research relating to the dissertation topic; -
Reveal ability to analyze, critique, interpret, and integrate information from prior scholarship into hypotheses or research questions sufficient to form the basis of a dissertation; -
Reflect use of appropriate research methodology, including current data collection techniques and appropriate data analysis tools including the use of proper statistical applications and other software applications; -
Display findings in a sequential and logical manner, and when needed, through the use of appropriate tables, graphs, or other methods of presenting quantitative or qualitative data; -
Include a coherent discussion of the relationships among the prior scholarship, the hypotheses or research question(s), the findings and data, and the meaning of the results; and -
Reflect a mastery of grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, paragraph formation, and style consistent with requirements outlined and approved in this Handbook. The School of Graduate Studies reserves the right not to accept dissertations that fail to meet these standards. The general expectation is that the dissertation committee provides assurance that these standards are met and indicates so with the signatures of the members being published in the dissertation. Additional Requirements
The School of Graduate Studies at Morgan promotes responsible and ethical research among graduate students. Students are cautioned to avoid practices that threaten the integrity of a student’s research, including, but not limited to, falsification or fabrication of data, violations of privacy and confidentiality provisions, conflicts of interest, cheating, plagiarism, and copyright infringements. Unethical research threatens the integrity of academic and scientific enterprise and will subject the student to severe penalties. Program Course Requirements
EdD (54 credit hours)Suggested Curriculum Sequence