Interdisciplinary Coursework 12 credits
Interdisciplinary Coursework are 12 credits of Approved Graduate Level Elective courses(500-999) chosen from the following areas:
College of Liberal Arts (CLA): Art (ART), Economics (ECON), English (ENGL), History (HIST), International Studies (INST), Applied Music (MUSA), Music (MUSC), Museum Studies (MUSE), Psychometrics (PSYM), Sociology (SOCI)
School of Architecture and Planning (SAP): Sustainable Urban Communities (CSUC), City and Regional Planning (CREP), Landscape Architecture (LAAR), Construction Management (CMGT), Environmental Studies (ENST)
School of Business Management (GSBM): Business Administration (BUAD) Accounting (ACCT), Project Management (PROJ), Johns Hopkins/Carey Business Cooperative (JHCA), Finance (FIN), Hospitality Management (HOMG), Entrepreneurship (ENTR), Marketing (MKTG), Information Sciences (INSS), Management (MGMT)
School of Community Health and Policy (SCHP): Public Health (PUBH), Nursing (NURS)
School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (SCMNS): Computer Science (COSC), Physics (PHYS), Science (SCIE), Mathematics (MATH), Bioinformatics (BIOI), Chemistry (CHEM)
School of Education and Urban Studies (SEUS): Education (EDUC), Education Statistics and Research (EDSR), Reading Education (REED), Mathematics Education (EDMA), Science Education (EDSC), Educational Administration (EDAD), Educational Supervision (EDSU), Special Education (SPED), Advanced Studies Leadership and Curriculum (ASLC), Advanced Studies Leadership and Jurisprudence (ASLJ)
School of Engineering (SOE): Industrial Engineering (IEGR), Civil Engineering (CEGR), Electrical Engineering (EEGR), Transportation (TRSP)
School of Global Journalism and Communication (SGJC): Journalism (JOUR)
School of Social Work (SSW): Social Work (SOWK)