Mar 13, 2025
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History International History and Diplomacy Track
Suggested Curriculum Sequence
Freshman Year (First Semester): 15 Credits
Freshman Year (Second Semester): 16 Credits
Sophomore Year (First Semester): 15 Credits
- HIST 105 - History of the United States I 3 Credits *
- XXXX - Foreign Language Sequence 3 credits2
- XXXX - AH General Education Req. 3 credits AH
- XXXX - BP General Education Req. 3 credits no lab req. BP
- XXXX - IM General Education Req. 3 credits IM
Sophomore Year (Second Semester): 15 Credits
- HIST 106 - History of the United States II 3 Credits *
- XXXX - Foreign Language Sequence 3 credits2
- XXXX - AH General Education Req. 3 credits AH
- XXXX - CT General Education Req. 3 credits CT
- XXXX - CI General Education Req. 3 credits CI
Junior Year (First Semester): 15 Credits
Junior Year (Second Semester): 15 Credits
- XXXX - History Group A Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - History Group A Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - History Group B Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - History Group B Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits
Senior Year (First Semester): 15 Credits
Senior Year (Second Semester): 14 Credits
- HIST 497 - Senior Research Seminar 3 Credits
- XXXX - Liberal Arts Core 3 credits
- XXXX - History Division 1, 2, or 3 Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - Group C Elective 3 credits
- XXXX - Free Elective 2 credits
Total Credit Hours: 120
* denotes a department required major/supporting course which may be used to satisfy the SB general education requirement and must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher 1 One of the SB general education requirements should be fulfilled with HIST 101 , HIST 102 , HIST 105 , or HIST 106 2 The foreign language requirement should be two sequential courses in the same foreign language Group A
Choose four (4) courses from two geographic regions of the world Group B
Choose three (3) courses – Two from history and one from geography Group C
Choose two (2) supporting courses approved by the department |