Sep 07, 2024  
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018 - 2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Philosophy Religious Studies Track

Suggested Curriculum Sequence

Freshman Year – Fall Semester: 16 Credits

Freshman Year – Spring Semester: 17 Credits

  • 3 Credits EC
  • XXXX - SB General Education Req. 3 credits SB
  • XXXX - MQ General Education Req. 4 credits MQ
  • XXXX - IM General Education Req. 3 credits IM
  • XXXX - Phys. Activity or FIN 101 1 credit
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits

Sophomore Year - Fall Semester: 15 Credits

  • XXXX - AH General Education Req. 3 credits AH
  • XXXXX - BP General Education Req. 4 credits with lab BP*
  • 3 Credits CT
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits​
  • XXXX - Free Elective 2 credits​

Sophomore Year - Spring Semester: 15 Credits

  • XXXX - AH General Education Req. 3 credits AH
  • XXXX - 200 level Philosophy/Religion Course 3 credits1
  • XXXX - PHIL/RELG Electiive 3 credits2
  • XXXX - PHIL/RELG Elective 3 credits2
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits 

Junior Year - Fall Semester: 15 Credits

  • XXXX - Foreign Language Sequence 3 credits3
  • XXXX - CI General Education Req. 3 credits CI
  • XXXX - BP General Education Req. no lab req. 3 credits BP
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits
  • XXXX - 300 - 400 level Philosophy/Religion Course 3 credits1

Junior Year - Spring Semester: 15 Credits

  • XXXX - Foreign Language Sequence 3 credits3
  • 3 Credits
  • XXXX - 300-400 level Philosophy/Religion Course 3 credits1
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits​
  • XXXX - Liberal Arts Core 3 credits​

Senior Year - Fall Semester: 15 Credits

Senior Year - Spring Semester: 12 Credits

  • 3 Credits 4
  • XXXX - PHIL/RELG Elective 3 credits2
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits​
  • XXXX - Free Elective 3 credits​

Total Credits: 120

1 PHIL/RELG Electives must be any 4 PHIL or RELG courses; 1 course at the 200 level and 3 courses at the 300-400 level

2  Philosophy/Religion Courses must be 4 courses chosen from the following, only 1 may be at the 200 level:  RELG 201 RELG 301  , RELG 302 RELG 309 RELG 310 RELG 311 PHIL 336 PHIL 440  

3  Foreign Language coures must be 2 sequential courses in the same foreign language

4  Philosophy Honor students take PHIL 488 -PHIL 489  instead of PHIL 490 -PHIL 491 

See General Education Requirements Distribution Areas  for courses that satisfy General Education Requirements