Dec 12, 2024
2022-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Higher Education (MA), Program Information
General Degree Requirements
- To be awarded the MA in Higher Education Administration, a student must have completed 36 credit hours of coursework inclusive of the Comprehensive Examination. The department will transfer a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate work taken transferred from another accredited institution prior to admission.
- All students are expected to maintain high standards of scholarship throughout the duration of the programs. Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.6 at the end of any semester will be placed on academic probation. A grade point average of 3.0 or above must be maintained in order for a student to continue to receive financial aid. Grades of “C” may not count for more than 20 percent of total credit hours applied towards degree requirements.
- The course work component of the program is designed to be completed in five semesters inclusive of one summer. Students are expected to complete a minimum of six credits hours in the summer.
- All candidates are expected to complete and pass the comprehensive examination. (Details of the comprehensive examination are provided in a subsequent section of this handbook).
- All degree requirements must be completed within a maximum of six years of admission to the program.
Residency Requirements
A student is admitted to the School of Graduate Studies upon satisfying minimum academic criteria and any additional requirements (e.g. tests, portfolio, interview, etc.) established by the faculty in the graduate degree program in which the student seeks to matriculate. Following admission to the School of Graduate Studies, a student must complete a minimum number of credits at Morgan State University while matriculating in a graduate degree program. Upon completion of the minimum credits required to be taken at Morgan State University, the residency requirement has been met. Residency requirements apply to students matriculating in masters and/or doctoral programs.
The minimum requirement for residency in either master’s or doctoral degree programs at Morgan State University (MSU ) is 18 credits of graduate course work completed at MSU. Transfer credit, internship, thesis, and dissertation seminar or guidance courses may not be used to satisfy residency requirements.
Program of Study Advisor
Each Master’s degree student will be guided through his or her program by an advisor assigned from the full-time resident faculty or affiliated faculty within the School of Education and Urban Studies.
Program Course Requirements 36 credits
MA Higher Education 36 Credits
Foundation Courses 12 credits
Research Methods 3 credits
Student Affairs Courses 15 credits
Practicum/Internship 6 credits
Students choose two (2) courses from the options below
*Other approved courses can be substituted
Total Credit Hours Required: 36
Comprehensive Examination
As a part of the graduation requirements, each student must successfully complete a written examination at or near the completion of all coursework. The comprehensive examination will be taken within a time period to be published and announced annually by the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy. Students will have a three-week period of time to respond to questions in the following areas: (A) General Knowledge of Higher and Postsecondary Education and (B) Specialized Knowledge of Degree Concentration or Approved Areas of Emphasis. Following the examination, each student will schedule an oral defense.
The pools of questions for both parts of the written examination will be developed by the faculty of the program, which will be published and distributed to students in both hard copy and electronic formats for easy access by potential examinees. The comprehensive exams will be reviewed and rated by at least two members of the faculty. For those cases in which there are major differences in the ratings, a third faculty member and/or the Chair of the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy will also review the results before a final determination is made regarding pass with special merit, pass, or fail. A student who fails the comprehensive examination will be allowed one retake to be scheduled no sooner than three months and no later than 12 months from the date of the first attempt.
Suggested Curriculum Sequence