Oct 18, 2024  
2018-2020 Graduate School Catalog 
2018-2020 Graduate School Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MS Urban Transportation, Program Information

Program Faculty

Department Chair

Anthony A. Saka, PHD, PTP, PE, PTOE 



Program Coordinator

Mansoureh Jeihani, PHD, PTP


240 Center for Built Environment and Infrastructure Studies (CBEIS) 

Tel: (443) 885-1873; Fax: (443) 885-8324

Email: mansoureh.jeihani@Morgan.edu


Program Faculty

Anthony A. Saka, PHD, PTP, PE, PTOE 



Mansoureh Jeihani, PHD, PTP



Zoltan Andrew Farkas, PHD



Young-Jae Lee, PHD

Associate Professor


Celeste Chavis, PHD, PE

Associate Professor


Program Description

The Master of Science in Urban Transportation degree program provides an interdisciplinary curriculum in transportation that prepares students to assume professional positions in transportation engineering, planning, management, and analysis. Students can concentrate their studies on traffic operations engineering, transportation planning, transportation management, or freight transportation and logistics. With the approval of the transportation faculty, students may use appropriate courses in other disciplines to supplement the requirements of their program of study.

There are two options for the MS program, Thesis and Non-Thesis. In Thesis option, the students are required to take Thesis Guidance and Thesis Defense courses and defend their thesis successfully. Non-Thesis option students need to pass the comprehensive exam rather than thesis. Students can choose between the two options up to their last semester.

Program Objectives

The program objective is to produce diverse, well-trained transportation professionals who are skilled in the fields of transportation engineering, planning, management and logistics and capable of pursuing senior-level positions. The program graduate will: 

  • Utilize system approach to articulate, study, and mitigate transportation problems

  • Apply latest technology and sustainability paradigm to efficiently plan, implement, analyze, evaluate, and manage components of the transportation systems 

  • Utilize effective communication, team, leadership, and management skills to work productively within their professions and communities 

  • Pursue professional development and advanced studies to meet the emerging and evolving demands, and increasing responsibilities of a successful career 

  • Conduct themselves as responsible professionals and citizens.


The students’ learning outcomes are as follows: 


  1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve broadly defined technical or scientific problems by applying knowledge of mathematics and  science, and/or technical topics to areas relevant to the discipline;

  2. An ability to formulate or design a system, process, procedure or program to meet desired needs;

  3. An ability to develop and conduct experiments or test hypotheses, analyze and interpret data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions;

  4. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;

  5. An ability to understand ethical and professional responsibilities and the impact of technical and/or scientific solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;

  6. An ability to function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, and analyze risk and uncertainty.

General Requirements

Candidates for the Master of Science degree must complete a minimum of [Thirty] (30) academic credit hours, pass comprehensive or submit an acceptably written thesis.

C or lower grades are not accepted for satisfying the requirements of the core courses. In order to be considered in good academic standing, students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 and not obtain C or lower grades in more than twenty (20) percent of the total credit requirement for the degree. Students may retake courses in which they obtained C or lower grades to satisfy program requirements. 


To be eligible for admission to the Master of Science Program in Urban Transportation, an applicant must: 


  • Have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university, preferably in a transportation-related area. 

  • Possess an undergraduate cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) of 3.0 or better to be considered for regular admission. Students who possess a cumulative undergraduate G.P.A. of between a 2.5 and < 3.0 may be considered for conditional admission.  Post-bachelor’s undergraduate credits will not be used to enhance G.P.A. requirements for admission to graduate study. 

  • Submit an application for admission to the School of Graduate Studies.  All required documents must be submitted as directed by the School of Graduate Studies prior to program review and admission decision.  

  • Use the application system to arrange for three letters of recommendation to be placed with the application.  These letters must be from officials or faculty members of institutions previously attended who are acquainted with the applicant’s ability for graduate study or from employment supervisors where applicable. 

  • Submit a typed exposition regarding the candidate’s personal, academic, and professional plans and the reasons for selecting Morgan State University. 


Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements and submitting all the required documents does not guarantee that an offer of admission will be made to the applicant.  The decision of the Program Admissions Committee involves a review and analysis of all the elements of the application as well as the availability of positions in the program.  The committee then recommends to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies that an offer admission should be made based on that review.


All candidates for the degree who select the Thesis Option must complete thirty (30) credit hours (including TRSP 799  , Thesis Seminar) and submit an acceptable thesis.


Candidates selecting the Non-Thesis Option must complete thirty (30) credit hours and pass a written comprehensive examination, TRSP 793  . 


All students must complete the core requirements as indicated below.

Thesis/Dissertation Completion

The Thesis-Option requires students to form an advisory committee comprising at least three tenured or tenure-track faculty members that guide the student’s research activities. The committee chair must be from the Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies and the committee must be formed before completion of Thesis Guidance (TRSP 797  ). Students are encouraged to form their committee as soon as possible. Students must complete and successfully defend a thesis based on timely research in a relevant area of transportation and/or urban infrastructure.

Additional Requirements

Academic dishonesty is a very serious offense in the School of Engineering. Under no circumstance(s) shall a student use the original words or ideas of others without appropriately citing the source. Any student found culpable of academic dishonesty will be asked to withdraw from the Program, and referred to the appropriate School of Engineering and University authorities for additional disciplinary actions which may result in expulsion from the University. The student has the right to appeal the action taken by submitting in writing to the School of Engineering Judicial Committee to request for a hearing on the academic fraud allegation(s) within the same semester by emailing soesss@morgan.edu

Program Course Requirements

MS Urban Transportation (30 credit hours):  


  • 15 credit hours from the Foundational or Core Courses (for both Thesis & Non-Thesis Options)

TRSP 601:  Introduction to Transportation Systems 3

TRSP 602:  Economics of Transportation 3

TRSP 603:  Quantitative Methods in Transportation 3

TRSP 620:  Transportation Systems Evaluation 3

TRSP 788:  Supervised Research 3


  • ELECTIVES: 15 credit hours for Non-Thesis or 12 credit hours for Thesis Option from Specialty*

TRSP 513:  Transportation Internship 3

TRSP 514:  Advanced Transportation Internship 3

TRSP 604:  Operations Research Applications in Transportation 3

TRSP 605:  Transportation and Land Use Planning 3

TRSP 606:  Urban Public Transportation Systems 3

TRSP 607:  Freight Transportation Systems and Logistics 3

TRSP 608:  Advanced Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3

TRSP 609:  Transportation in Developing Countries 3

TRSP 610:  Management of Transportation Systems 3

TRSP 611:  Labor Relations in Transportation 3

TRSP 612:** Special Problems in Transportation 3

TRSP 613: Air Quality Planning and Noise Analysis 3

TRSP 614: Air and Sea Port Management               3

TRSP 615: Traffic and Highway Systems Design and Analysis 3

TRSP 616: Microcomputer Applications in Transportation 3

TRSP 617: Intelligent Transportation Systems 3

TRSP 618: Advanced Urban Transportation Planning 3

TRSP 619: Geographic Information Systems 3

TRSP 623: Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management 3

TRSP 625: Transportation Policy 3

TRSP 790: Independent Study in Transportation 3


*  : Other Pre-Approved Electives may be selected from all other Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies courses, plus courses from other departments such as City and Regional Planning, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management. The Department encourages students to take courses from other departments that complement the degree program. However, for any course taken outside of the Department, it is necessary to gain approval from the student’s advisor to use a course for credit toward the degree.


**: Repeatable for only 6 credits toward degree


  • 3 credit hours Thesis Defense for Thesis Option only

TRSP 797/799 Thesis Guidance / Thesis Defense 3/9* 



 Upon achieving Master’s Candidacy, the student will continuously register in Fall and Spring terms for TRSP 797   (Thesis Guidance) until the Master’s Thesis is completed and submitted to the School of Graduate Studies for review.  The course is used only when the curriculum is near completion, and the student is completing the research and writing of the thesis. The course registration maintains the student status as a matriculated, full-time student (student is registered for 3 credit hours and the system reports a full-time 9 credit hour load).  After the Intent to Defend the Master’s Thesis form has been accepted by the School of Graduate Studies, this course registration will be changed to TRSP 799   (Thesis Defense) for the given semester and count for 3 credit hours of curricular coursework (TRSP 799   will also count for 9 credit hours of load).  Other courses cannot be substituted for TRSP 797   (Thesis Guidance). The only eligible grade for TRSP 797   (Thesis Guidance) is the grade of “S” and the only acceptable grade for TRSP 799   (Thesis Defense) is “P/F” (Pass/Fail).