Graduation Requirements
- Completion of 40 Needed General Education Program
- University Requirements
- One Physical Education (PHEC) activity course 1 Credit or FIN 101 or MIND 101 or FACS 102 or DSVG 101
(Students completing MISC 200 will have met the physical activity course)
- Freshman Orientation: Students select the orientation offered by the College or School in which their major is located: 1 credit
ORLA 101: Freshman Orientation for Liberal Arts Majors and Undeclared Majors (1 credit)
ORBM 102: Freshman Orientation for Business and Management Majors (1 credit)
ORED 103: Freshman Orientation for Education and Urban Studies Majors (1credit)
OREN 104: Introduction to Engineering (1 credit)
ORNS 106: Freshman Orientation For Computer, Mathematics and Natural Science Majors (1 credit)
ORAP 107: Freshman Orientation for Architecture and Construction Management Majors (1 credit)
ORCH 109: Freshman Orientation for Community Health and Policy Majors (1 credit)
ORSW 101: Orientation for Social Work Majors (1 credits)
ORSJ 101: Orientation for the School of Global Journalism and Communication Majors (1 credit)
HONR 101: Honors Freshman Colloquium for Liberal Arts Majors (1 credit)
HONR 106: Freshman Honors Colloquium (2 credits)
*Freshman orientation is not required for transfer students who transfer a minimum of 24 credits when admitted to the University.
- Developmental Courses (Not Applicable for Graduation) Two to five credits may be required by a freshman’s placement test scores. Students who are required to take developmental courses must pass each one with a grade of “C” or better.
MATH 106 Fundamentals of Math 3 credits
ALCR 101 Analytical and Critical Reading 2 credits
- Major Requirements
- In addition to the General Education Requirements, a candidate must complete a major field of study. The required courses for each major offered are determined by the department. The major field of study includes all courses pursued in that field, including all required supporting courses.
- In the major area, including all supporting courses, the number of quality points earned must equal no less than twice the number of semester hours pursued. No grades under “C” are acceptable in the major, including grades received in supporting courses, unless otherwise specified by the college/school or department.
- School Requirements
Students should consult individual colleges/schools for specific requirements.
- Free Electives
Students should consult individual colleges/schools for specific requirements.
- Additional Requirements
30-Hours Rule:
All recipients of the baccalaureate degree from the University must earn the final 30 credits at Morgan. The Dean must give prior written approval to students for a waiver of the 30-hour rule and permission to pursue course requirements for graduation at other institutions. Transcripts of such credits must be submitted to the Office of Records and Registration prior to degree clearance. In addition, two-thirds of the major requirements at the 300-level and 400-level must be completed at Morgan. Exceptions may be made by the department with the approval of the Dean.
- Graduation/Diploma Policy:
In order to be eligible for graduation, students must file a formal application for graduation. Students are expected to know and satisfy all relevant degree requirements published in the Morgan State University Catalog, including General Education requirements, college/school requirements, and requirements in their majors. While they are expected to receive guidance in course selections and assistance in familiarizing themselves with the University’s academic policies from faculty and staff advisors, chairpersons, and deans, students shall be held responsible for earning their degrees. Students’ failure to satisfy all relevant degree requirements is not a basis for exceptions to the University’s academic requirements and/or policies.
Undergraduate students who satisfy all degree requirements and who file a timely formal Application for Graduation may have their degrees conferred and receive diplomas at the close of any of the University’s terms (i.e., Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter). Graduate students who satisfy all degree requirements and who file a timely formal Application for Graduation may have their degrees conferred and receive diplomas at the close of either the Spring or Fall terms. The due dates for graduation applications are as follows:
- For Fall degree conferral: the last Friday in September
- For Spring degree conferral: the last Friday in February
- For Summer degree conferral: the second Friday in June (undergraduate only)
- For Winter degree conferral: the second Friday in January (undergraduate only)
Exceptions to the graduation application deadline dates may be granted with the approval of the Provost or his/her designee.
- Senior-Level Comprehensive Examination :
For certain majors, all students, including transfer students within those majors, are required to pass Senior-Level Comprehensive Departmental Examinations to be eligible for graduation. The Senior-Level Comprehensive Examination is a comprehensive examination in the major field of study pursued. The student must arrange with the departmental chairperson to take this examination during the academic year in which all other requirements for graduation are completed. These majors will list the comprehensive examination withing the requirements.
- Graduation Exercises:
Candidates who are eligible and intend to participate in Commencement are required to attend all exercises for graduation, including, but not limited to, rehearsal, school meetings, and financial aid exit interviews Details may be found on the University’s official Commencement web page at
- Commencement Participation:
It is the policy of Morgan State University that only candidates who have applied for graduation by the published deadline and who have completed all academic requirements for graduation and who have satisfied all financial obligations to the University may participate in the Commencement Ceremonies.
Academic Requirements. Academic requirements include, but are not necessarily limited to, the successful completion of freshman orientation courses, general education requirements, core courses and required electives in the major, and, projects and designs for professional programs. Academic requirements also include, but are not necessarily limited to passing scores on senior exit exams.
Financial Obligations. Financial obligations that must be settled prior to the deadline established by the Bursar in the semester in which the student expects to graduate include, but are not necessarily limited to, the current graduation fee, tuition, fees, and outstanding fines such as parking fines, library fines, and fines assessed by the Office of Residence Life.
Double Major and Dual Degree Policy
Double Major
A double major is a program of study that meets the requirements of two distinct majors in a single School or College of the University. The program of study consists of the courses required to meet the degree requirements for each of the two majors, inclusive of general education, departmental, school, and university requirements. Subject to the specific requirements for the two majors, students may apply the same coursework towards the fulfillment of requirements for both majors. Students who complete the requirements for a double major receive a single diploma.
The student’s program of study for the double major should be developed in consultation with the appropriate personnel of the two programs and approved by the chairpersons of both programs. In the approval process, careful planning is needed to ensure that the student can complete all the requirements for both majors in a timely fashion.
- Students must complete the Undergraduate Double Major Authorization Form, which is available from the Registrar’s Office, and submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office with the approval and signatures of both department chairpersons. One of the majors must be designated as the primary program of study on the form.
- detailed degree plan, which clearly shows how the coursework and credit hour requirements for each program will be met, must accompany the Authorization Form.
Dual Degree
A dual degree program is one in which the student satisfies the academic requirements for majors in two different Schools or Colleges of the University. The program of study consists of the courses required to meet the degree requirements for each of the two majors, inclusive of general education, departmental, school, and university requirements. Subject to the specific requirements for the two degrees, students may apply the same coursework towards the fulfillment of the requirements for both degrees. Students who successfully complete a dual degree program receive two diplomas, one for each degree earned.
The student’s program of study for the dual degree should be developed in consultation with the appropriate personnel of the programs and approved by the chairpersons of both programs. In the approval process, careful planning is needed to ensure that the student can complete all the requirements for both degrees in a timely fashion. Students should consult with their financial aid counselor before deciding to attempt a program leading to a dual degree, to carefully assess the impact of such a decision on one’s eligibility for financial aid. Because dual degree programs invariably require substantial additional coursework beyond that for either degree, students may need to enroll in extra terms as an undergraduate to complete the additional coursework needed to earn both degrees.
- Students must complete the Undergraduate Dual Degree Authorization Form, which is available from the Office of Records and Registration, and submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office with the approval and signatures of both department chairpersons.
- A detailed degree plan, which clearly shows how the coursework and credit hour requirements for each program will be met, must accompany the Authorization Form.
- At the appropriate time, in advance of degree certification and graduation, the student must submit a Graduation Application for each of the two degree programs. The student should indicate on each form that he/she is also a candidate for a different degree in another program, and list that degree explicitly.
Graduation with Honors
In order to be considered for graduation with honors, a candidate must have completed all the requirements for the degree; must have earned a minimum of sixty (60) semester credits at Morgan; and must not have been sanctioned by the student’s Dean or by the Provost for violating the University’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty (see the current catalog for the complete policy). Full-time and part-time students are eligible to receive honors at graduation. Candidates for graduation should note that the honors announced and/or published at commencement do not include the final semester grades; therefore, the level of honor may change once the final grade audit is completed by the Registrar.
Honor averages are:
Summa Cum Laude-(With Highest Honor) 3.80-4.00
Magna Cum Laude-(With High Honor) 3.60-3.79
Cum Laude-(With Honor) 3.40-3.59
Policy for Students Pursuing a Second Bachelor’s Degree
- Students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree at Morgan State University (the “University”) must satisfy all current General Education course and credit (i.e., 40 credits) requirements. A General Education course is considered met if the other accredited institution’s general education course is equivalent to (or greater than) the University’s course in content and in credit hours.
- All course requirements for the major including required support courses in other departments must be met while the student is enrolled and is matriculating at the University.
- A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from another accredited college or University may apply a maximum of 90 credits towards a second bachelor’s degree from the University.
- Students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree at the University will not be awarded credit towards the second major for courses they were required to complete for their first major. Credit for supporting courses completed in departments other than the first major may be transferred to the University as part of the maximum number (i.e., 90) of transferable credits.
- Students pursuing a second degree at the University must pass the comprehensive Senior-Level Examination in the major field of study pursued.
- In addition to satisfying the current General Education requirements, and the Senior-Level Comprehensive Examinations, students pursuing a second degree at the University must satisfy all internal graduation requirements of the college or school in which their major is located. Students are encouraged to meet with the Chairperson of the second degree area prior to admission to obtain a full and clear understanding of the second degree policy. Departmental Chairpersons, Program Directors, and Faculty Advisors are encouraged to meet regularly with students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree at the University in order to ensure that candidates for a second degree remain thoroughly familiar with all graduation requirements.