Mar 13, 2025
MATH 110 - Algebra, Functions, and Analytic Geometry 3 credits 3 hours per week.
This is a concept-building course. Topics discussed include: algebra as an abstraction from arithmetic; equations and functions and their relationships and differences; inequalities; the Cartesian coordinate system as a link between algebra and geometry; the linkage between certain geometric objects and their algebraic counterparts; and a basic introduction to exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Course sections for education majors will introduce students to methods for transmitting these concepts to children. Course sections for architecture and business majors will introduce students to architectural and business applications. This course is restricted to architecture, business, and elementary education majors unless departmental permission is given.
Prerequisite(s) This course is restricted to architecture, business and elementary education majors unless departmental permission is given.
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