Jul 26, 2024  
2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Civil Engineering Curriculum Sequence for B.S.

Curriculum Sequence

This curriculum guide is a tool for planning.  Matriculated students and advisors should consult Degree Works before and after registration for classes each semester to track academic progress

First Year (Semester Two): 16 Credits

Second Year (Semester One): 15 Credits

Third Year (Semester Two): 17 Credits

Fourth Year (Semester One): 14 Credits

Fourth Year (Semester Two): 13 Credits

  • 1 Credits
  • XXXX - 400 level CEGR Technical Electives 3 credits3
  • XXXX - 400 level CEGR Technical Electives 3 credits3
  • XXXX - CI General Education Req. 3 credits CI
  • XXXX - SB General Education Req. 3 credits SB5

Total Credits: 120

*denotes a course required by the department and which is required to be completed with a grade of “C” or higher

Please see General Education Requirements Distribution Areas  for courses that satisfy General Education Requirements where not specified by the department

1 HUMA 201  and PHIL 220  Strongly recommended

2 HLTH 103   Strongly recommended

3 Three electives must include two electives courses, one from geotechnical engineering track and the other from transportation engineering track, respectively.

4 PHIL 109   Strongly recommended

5 HIST 101   or HIST 105  Strongly recommended